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Global Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry Trends and Outlook 2018

According to the new market research report by IndustryARC titled “Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry,By Type (Products, Software & Services); By Application (Precision Agriculture, Customer & Supplier Analytics, Quality Control, Smart supply chain, Demand forcasting, Waste & Spoilage control & Food safety) -Forecast (2018-2023)” the market will be driven by growing number of food and beverage retailers.

North America will dominate the Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry

North America will dominate the Big Data Market in Food & Beverage industry due to presence of food and beverage industries which use big data analytics in the region. Asia Pacific will be the fastest growing region due to the increasing demand from consumers to know about their food and the technological developments in the region.

Selected Regulatory Analysis Done in the Full Report:

In Quality control segment, Big data makes it easier for restaurants to maintain quality of their products. The taste of the food not only depends on the measurement of ingredients used, but also their storage and quality. Big data insights are used to analyse these changes and predict the quality of the food. The data from the analysis can find any faults and suggest measures for improvement. It can analyse the impact of factors such as storage and transportation on the quality of packaged foods.

Selected Driving Factors Mentioned in the Full Report

Increasing demand from consumers to know better about their food will drive the growth of the Big Data Market in food & beverage industry.
Ability of big data analytics tools to keep a track on the quality of food products enhances the growth of the big data tools, which in turn enhances the Big Data Market in Food & Beverages industry.
Big Data solutions can be used to understand the customer preferences to deliver the right products at the right time.
Big Data market in food & beverage industry helps in evaluation of new data technologies for meeting the customer demands.
To access the full report, click the link below:

Key Players of the Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry

The key players of the Big Data Market in Food & Beverage Industry include Sisense, IBM Corporation, and Farmers Edge. Sisense has introduced a Single-Stack approach to Big data analytics. This method gives your business a fast analytical database and the tools which are needed to give you the right production. Researches from IBM have created a food program that employs big data analytics to study various aspects of the food such as taste, chemical properties, and combinations. Farmers Edge aims to provide digital agronomic tools for enabling data driven decision making and supporting high yield crop production.

The Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry is Segmented as Indicated Below:

Usage of data analytics tools for understanding customer preferences to serve the right products will drive the demand for the Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry.

Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry By Data Generators
Smart Meters
Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry By Type
Strorage & Compute Infrastructure
Networking Infrastructure
Software & Services
Cloud Based
On – Premise
Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry By Data Type
Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry By Application
Precision Agriculture
Customer & Supplier Analytics
Quality Control
Smart Supply Chain
Food Safety
Waste & Spoilage Control
Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry By Geography (15+ countries)
Big Data Market in Food & Beverages Industry Entropy
Company Profiles
Sisense, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Infosys Limited
Intel Corporation
Agworld Pty Ltd
Pivotal Analytics
More than 15 Companies are profiled in this report

Appendix: Abbreviations, Sources, Research Methodology, Bibliography, Compilation of Experts, Disclaimer.

Sample Report @ https://industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=17922

What can you expect from the report?

The Big Data Market in Food & Beverage Industry Report is prepared with the main agenda to cover the following 20 points:

1. Market Size by Product Categories
2. Market Trends
3. Manufacturer Landscape
4. Distributor Landscape
5. Pricing Analysis
6. Top 10 End User Analysis
7. Product Benchmarking
8. Product Developments
9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
10. Patent Analysis
11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
12. Country level Analysis (15+)
13. Competitor Analysis
14. Market Shares Analysis
15. Value Chain Analysis
16. Supply Chain Analysis
17. Strategic Analysis
18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
19. Opportunity Analysis
20. Revenue and Volume Analysis

Media Contact

Mr. Venkat Reddy
Sales Manager
Email 1: sales@industryarc.com
Or Email 2: venkat@industryarc.com
Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101)

About IndustryARC

IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, and Life Sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on cutting-edge technologies and newer applications in a market. Our custom research services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply–demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client’s research needs at a rapid speed and with a variety of options.

We look forward to helping the client address its customer needs effectively, stay ahead in the market, become the top competitor, and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today

Контактное лицо: Venkat Reddy
Компания: IndustryARC
Добавлен: 01:35, 04.09.2018 Количество просмотров: 520
Страна: США

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