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Audio Conferencing Services Market analysis and drive growth by 2023

According to the Report “Audio Conferencing Services Market: By Delivery Model (On-premise, Software as a Services and Others); By Application (Communications, BFSI, Government, Transportation, Utilities and Others) – Forecast (2018 - 2023),” published by IndustryARC, the market is driven by expanding existing products and collaborative event services creating a proficient workspace.

According to industryarcreport , the Audio Conferencing Services Market is constantly growing in the arenas of Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing market, and is maintaining its moderate growth. This trend has helped towards the shift in end-user preferences from scheduled or unattended conferencing to demand conferencing. Industry is on the precipice of the next generation of audio conferencing solutions, with players in the space far and wide contending for position in this highly competitive space.

North America Dominate with Strongest Growth in the Audio Conferencing Services Market

The Audio Conferencing Services Market is all quite positive, which put CAGR from 2018-2021 on the end point space at 3.5 percent.. The North America Market has gained 44% of highest amount of share of the space. The North American communications and collaboration market, is experiencing increase competition from variety of players. During the next years of the forecast period, North American cloud communications and collaboration services will continue to evolve, and presently they are working to provide value beyond the functionality as the key.

Selected Technology Types Analysis Done in the Full Report

The market transition to Internet Protocol (IP) has ignited the convergence of audio, data, and video convergence into an integrated solution. The Audio Conferencing can be segmented based on technology types and countries. The technology types segment is sub-segmented on phone based enabling and web based VoIP enabling technology. The technology has lots of benefits such as lower cost, mobility, reliability, highly security, easy accessibility. Overseas participants, simplicity, are responsible for an increased uptake of audio conferencing.
Excerpts on Market Growth Factors

The massive availability and collaborative services has resulted in a substantial expansion of the number of meetings,that drives the growth of A/V technologies endpoints.
The Silvan innovation Labs has launched a revolutionary IoT based Conference Room Automation system known as Silvan BOARD. The technology adds multiple components into a conference room, communicates with existing, installed devices and provides a modest interface to operate different modes of operations.
To deliver high quality audio conferencing devices capable to function in the larger dynamic spaces was a major challenge for the networking and device building companies. Nureva came up with an advancement in the present market with a device named as Dual HDL300 audio conferencing. This system supports large dynamic spaces up to 30′ x 50′ (9.14 x 15.24 m).
To access the full report, click the link below:


Key players of the Audio Conferencing Services Market

Several of the key players in this market are PGI, Microsoft, Mitel Networks, Siemens Enterprise Communications, British Telecom Group Plc., Adobe Systems, Cisco systems, IBM and others. PGI has high quality audio critical component, the GlobalMeet® audio integrates is now in collaboration with existing technology like Skype for business and WebEx. BT Telecom Group has BT conference MeetMe audio conferencing service that enables the customers to join people quickly around the world. The online audio conference is known for its Dolby Voice and Video channels used over the smartphones, tablets and desktops. Same way IBM Connections Meetings Cloud offers native, multi-way video, audio and recording capabilities.

The Audio Conferencing Services Market report is segmented as below:

Audio Conferencing Services Market By Delivery
Software as a Service
Audio Conferencing Services Market By Application
Utilities and Resources
Audio Conferencing Services Market by Geography (covers 10+ countries)
Audio Conferencing Services Market Entropy
Manufacturers Citied/Interviewed
Aastra Technologies
Huawei Technologies
Interactive Intelligence
Toshiba Corp.
Verizon Communications
Company 22
Company 23
Company 24
Company 25
Appendix: Abbreviations, Sources, Research Methodology, Bibliography, Compilation of Experts, Disclaimer.

What can you expect from the report?

1. Market Size by Product Categories
2. Market trends
3. Manufacturer Landscape
4. Distributor Landscape
5. Pricing Analysis
6. Top 10 End user Analysis
7. Product Benchmarking
8. Product Developments
9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
10. Patent Analysis
11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
12. Country level Analysis (15+)
13. Competitor Analysis
14. Market Shares Analysis
15. Value Chain Analysis
16. Supply Chain Analysis
17. Strategic Analysis
18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
19. Opportunity Analysis
20. Revenue and Volume Analysis

Media Contact:
Mr. Venkat Reddy
Sales Manager
Email 1: sales@industryarc.com
Or Email 2: venkat@industryarc.com
Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101)

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IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, and Life sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on cutting-edge technologies and newer applications in a market. Our custom research services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply–demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client’s research needs at a rapid speed and with a variety of options.

We look forward to helping the client address its customer needs effectively, stay ahead in the market, become the top competitor, and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.

Контактное лицо: Venkat Reddy
Компания: IndustryARC
Добавлен: 00:52, 06.09.2018 Количество просмотров: 1743
Страна: США

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