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Latin America will record the highest growth in Big Data Market with focus On Supply Chain Management

According to the new market research report by IndustryArc titled “Big Data Market With Focus On Supply Chain Management: Big Data Usage By Supply Chain Companies (Amazon, IBM, Telogis, Lean logistics, Teradata, SAP); Analysis of Big Data Providers(IBM, HP, Teradata, Oracle, SAP,EMC, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Vmware, Cloudera, Splunk, Hortonworks, Mongo DB, MapR) ; By Geography-Forecast (2018-2023)”, the market will be driven by new channel programs such as E-commerce and social media programs.

North America will dominate the Big Data Market With Focus On Supply Chain Management

North America will dominate the Big Data Market with focus On Supply Chain Management in coming years. Latin America will record the highest growth during the forecast period, North America’s growth is due to greater concentration of big data solution providers and the use of analytics in SCM (Supply Chain Management). Scale of operation in other areas such as Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East, provide many opportunities to big data analytics for supply chain management.

Selected Regulatory Analysis Done in the Full Report:

The capture, storage, and analysis of big data is implemented on a limited scale by supply chain companies for different purposes. Most of the supply chain companies use more than two systems for management purposes. Few companies have instances of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software installed for various parts of the supply chain. The systems are used for demand planning, order management, price management, production planning, and manufacture execution systems and this is the main reason for usage of Big data in companies.

The modern technological platforms such as SaaS products and middleware will allow companies to use real time data. The point of sale devices will scan the product barcode into the files for uploading. This will enable the companies to respond to the events in real time. Small businesses with these systems can integrate the ordering to manage inventory and save money.

Selected Driving Factors Mentioned in the Full Report

Lot of established companies such as like IBM and DELL offer big data solutions. This factor drives the demand for Big Data Supply Chain.
Industry segments such as Energy, retail, manufacturing, and telecommunications are the top growing segments. These segments propels the growth of supply chain data analytics.
Emergence of big data analytics drives the demand for Big Data Market with focus On Supply Chain Management.
To access/purchase the full report, click the link below:


Key Players of the Big Data Market With Focus On Supply Chain Management

Apple will dominate the Big Data Market with focus On Supply Chain Management followed by McDonalds and Amazon. Apple needs to ship millions of iPads and iPhones to its customers around the globe and it needs to keep track of the demand and fluctuations so that its third party manufacturing can keep up with the supply. McDonalds and Amazon will operate on a huge scale so that the customers get their products on time.

The Big Data Market With Focus On Supply Chain Management is Segmented as Indicated Below:

Big Data Market With Focus On Supply Chain Management- Analysis of Big Data Providers
1. IBM
2. HP
3. Teradata
4. Oracle
5. SAP
6. EMC
7. Amazon
8. Microsoft
9. Google
10. VMware
11. Cloudera
12. Splunk
13. Hortonworks
14. MongoDB
15. MapR
Big Data Usage By Supply Chain Companies
Amazon Fulfillment Centers Program
IBM and Barnes & Noble
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
IBM andKramm Groep
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
IBM and Andrews Distributing
Overview and SCM Problem
Solution and Benefits
IBM and Sudzucker
Overview and SCM Problem
Solution and Benefits
IBM and FedeFarma
Overview and SCM Problem
Solution and Benefits
IBM and Cheesecake factory
Telogis and Pro’s Ranch Market
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
Telogis and ITL
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
Telogis and Supershuttle
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
LeanLogistics and Dannon
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
LeanLogistics and Ace Hardware
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
LeanLogistics and MTD Products
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
Teradata Aster and Supervalu
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
Teradata and Norfolk Southern Railway Company
Overview and SCM Problems
Solution and Benefits
SAP HANA and Suning
SAP HANA and eBay
SAP HANA and Home Shopping Europe
Big Data Market- Analysis of Big Data Providers
Big Data Market with Focus On Supply Chain Management By Geography (16+ countries)
Big Data Market with Focus On Supply Chain Management Entropy
Company Profiles
Appendix: Abbreviations, Sources, Research Methodology, Bibliography, Compilation of Experts, Disclaimer.

Sample Report @ https://industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=71

What can you expect from the report?

The Big Data Market with focus On Supply Chain Management Report is prepared with the main agenda to cover the following 20 points:

1. Market Size by Product Categories
2. Market Trends
3. Manufacturer Landscape
4. Distributor Landscape
5. Pricing Analysis
6. Top 10 End User Analysis
7. Product Benchmarking
8. Product Developments
9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
10. Patent Analysis
11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
12. Country level Analysis (15+)
13. Competitor Analysis
14. Market Shares Analysis
15. Value Chain Analysis
16. Supply Chain Analysis
17. Strategic Analysis
18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
19. Opportunity Analysis
20. Revenue and Volume Analysis

Media Contact

Mr. Venkat Reddy
Sales Manager
Email 1: sales@industryarc.com
Or Email 2: venkat@industryarc.com
Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101)

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IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, and Life Sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on cutting-edge technologies and newer applications in a market. Our custom research services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply–demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client’s research needs at a rapid speed and with a variety of options.

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Контактное лицо: venkat@industryarc.com
Компания: IndustryARC
Добавлен: 03:36, 03.09.2018 Количество просмотров: 409
Страна: Россия

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