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Australia Learning Management System Market Trends and Outlook 2018

According to the new market research report by Industry Arc titled “Australia Learning Management System Market By Type (Course and Content Management, Performance Management, Administration /HR, Talent Management, Learner Management, Communication and Others); By Integration Type (Locally Integrated, Software as a Service); By Application ( Employee / Student Learning, Customer Training, Channel Training, Compliance Training and Others); By End Use Industry (Academic and Corporate) & Region – Forecast(2018–2023),” the market is driven by the increasing awareness about learning management systems in corporate applications.

Overview of the Australia Learning Management System Market

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application which documents and delivers online courses and training materials. An LMS can enhance the efficiency of an organisation’s e-learning processes. In Australia, LMS is used to support creation and transfer of online courses, training material, and other information. Learning management software can also help you save time and cost by streamlining the process of learning management in your organisation. The increasing demand for enhanced training and e-learning modules among enterprises will propel the learning management system market in Australia.

Selected Regulatory Analysis Done in the Full Report

The corporate sector is expected to dominate the Australia Learning Management System Market during the forecast period. This is due to the growing need to provide cost-effective and quality online courses to the employees and the increasing adoption of cloud-based LMS solutions. The corporate sector makes use of LMS to give corporate training through online training courses as the adoption of LMS reduces the cost of training.

Selected Driving Factors Mentioned in the Full Report

The launch of cloud-based learning management systems will drive the demand for e-learning systems in Australia.
The growing need for effective quality content has increased with the growing needs of the students. This factor enhances the demand for learning management systems.
The growing popularity of bring your own device (BYOD) will compel enterprises to move towards learning management systems over smart phones for integrated employee training.
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Key Players of the Australia Learning Management System Market

The key players of the Australia Learning Management System Market are Blackboard, Moodle, Desire2Learn, Canvas, and Intel. Blackboard provides convenience and flexibility to online campus programs by helping instructors post documents, send e-mails, and create online assessments. Moodle is used by online enterprises around the world to impart online training. Desire2Learn has been witnessing a rapid growth in Australia. The company has been enhancing the learning experience through its Desire2Learn Learning Suite. Canvas employs learning management systems which make learning easier for students. Intel, through its products, helps reduce the training time required and improve learning outcomes, while increasing the number of trainees and reducing training costs.

The Australia Learning Management Market Is Segmented as Below:

The emergence of advanced technologies will promote the growth of the Australia Learning Management Market in the coming years.

Australia Learning Management System Market By Type
Course and Content Management
Performance Management
Talent Management
Learner Management
Administration / Human Resources
Australia Learning Management System Market By Integration Type
Locally Integrated
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Australia Learning Management System Market By End User
Banking and Financial Services
Marketing and Advertising
Australia Learning Management System Market by Application
Employee/Student Learning
Channel Training
Customer Training
Compliance Training
Australia Learning Management System Market Entropy
Company profiles
Desire2 Learn
Company 6
Company 7
Company 8
Company 9
Company 10
More than 10 companies are covered in this report

Appendix: Abbreviations, Sources, Research Methodology, Bibliography, Compilation of Experts, Disclaimer.

Sample Report @ https://industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=18362

What can you expect from the report?

The Australia Learning Management System Market Report is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points:

1. Market Size by Product Category
2. Market trends
3. Manufacturer Landscape
4. Distributor Landscape
5. Pricing Analysis
6. Top 10 End user Analysis
7. Product Benchmarking
8. Product Developments
9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
10. Patent Analysis
11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
12. Country level Analysis (15+)
13. Competitor Analysis
14. Market Shares Analysis
15. Value Chain Analysis
16. Supply Chain Analysis
17. Strategic Analysis
18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
19. Opportunity Analysis
20. Revenue and Volume Analysis

Media Contact:
Mr. Venkat Reddy
Sales Manager
Email 1: sales@industryarc.com
Or Email 2: venkat@industryarc.com
Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101)

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IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, and Life Sciences & Healthcare.

IndustryARC primarily focuses on cutting-edge technologies and newer applications in a market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply–demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client’s research needs at a rapid speed and with a variety of options.

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Контактное лицо: Venkat Reddy
Компания: IndustryARC
Добавлен: 01:34, 04.09.2018 Количество просмотров: 424
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