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Dairy Alternatives Market- Forecast to 2026

iGATE Research has released a research report on “Dairy Alternatives Market, Consumption Volume (by Source, Application, Products, Nature, Sales Channel, & Region) and 20 Company Profile - Global Forecast to 2026”

Click here to view the complete report: http://igateresearch.com

Global Dairy Alternatives Market - Overview

The global dairy alternatives market is predicted to exceed US$ 41.2 Billion mark by 2026. Dairy alternatives are referred predominantly as plant-based food and beverages products, which are processed from various types of nuts, cereals, and seeds. Because of the low cholesterol concentration and fat content in dairy alternatives, their demand is increasing at a rapid pace around the world. Today, food intolerances and food allergies have become a major concern for health-conscious consumers. Following a dairy-free diet has numerous benefits, and is widely exercised by health-conscious consumers and fitness enthusiasts.

The factors such as increasing awareness of consumers towards a vegan diet, nutritional benefits provided by such foods, lactose intolerance among the population and demand for various fortified dairy food & beverage applications are expected to propel the growth of dairy alternatives market in the coming years. Some of the key factors inhibiting the growth of dairy alternatives market includes cross contamination of raw materials and high price of dairy alternative products.

By Source - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• In terms of source, the soy segment accounts for largest share of the dairy alternatives market. The popularity of soy milk can be attributed to the plethora of varieties, in terms of flavors, blends, fat content, and formulations offered by leading dairy alternative manufacturers.

• The almond milk market is one of the fastest growing segments in the non-dairy and vegan milk industry.

• Rice milk captures 3rd highest share of the dairy alternatives market. It is a great alternative to conventional milk with benefits such as free-from cholesterol and lactose.

• Coconut milk captures least share of the dairy alternatives market.

By Application - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• In 2019, beverages segment accounted for largest share of the global dairy alternatives market.

• The food segment market is the fastest growing application in the dairy alternatives market.

By Products - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• On the basis of products, the unflavored / regular milk is the dominant segment in terms of both volume and revenue.

• Increasing consumption of flavored milk substitutes with low calorie content are expected to augment flavored milk market growth over the forecast period.

By Nature - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• The conventional (in-organic) milk segment dominates the global dairy alternatives market in terms of both volume and revenue.

• It is predicted that the organic milk segment will account for 30% share of the global dairy alternatives market by 2026.

By Sales Channel - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• Mainstream stores (hypermarkets/supermarkets) holds a dominating share in the global dairy alternatives market.

• It is predicted that the Specialty Stores will account for 15% share of the global dairy alternatives market by 2026.

• The Online Retail segment is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period.

Global Dairy Alternatives Market - Regional Analysis

• Geographically, the global dairy alternatives market is dominated by Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific market is driven by countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Indonesia.

• North America is the second largest market for dairy alternatives, being closely followed by the European region. The dairy alternatives market in these regions is driven by rapid growth in the consumption of dairy alternative products, mainly due to the increased disposable income, changes in the lifestyle and dietary patterns.

• In Latin America, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina are observing high demand for dairy alternatives.

iGATE RESEARCH report titled “Dairy Alternatives Market, Consumption Volume (by Source, Application, Products, Nature, Sales Channel, & Region) and 20 Company Profile - Global Forecast to 2026” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast-evolving, high-growth Global Dairy Alternatives Market.

This 237 Page report with 107 Figures and 10 Tables has been analyzed from 10 viewpoints:

1. Global Dairy Alternatives (Plant-Based Milk) Market & Volume Forecast (2011 - 2026)
2. Global Dairy Alternatives Market Share & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
3. By Source - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
4. By Application - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
5. By Products - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
6. By Nature - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
7. By Sales Channel - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
8. By Region - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast (2011 - 2026)
9. Companies Profile - Overview, Strategy/ Initiatives/ Recent Developments/ Major Deals, Financial Insights
10. Global Dairy Alternatives Market - Driving Factors and Challenges

By Source - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

1. Soy
2. Almond
3. Rice
4. Coconut
5. Others

By Application - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• Food
• Beverages

By Products - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• Unflavored / Regular Milk
• Flavored Milk

By Nature - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• Organic Milk
• Conventional (in-organic) Milk

By Sales Channel - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

• Mainstream Stores
• Specialty Stores
• Online Retail
• Others Channel

By Region - Global Dairy Alternatives Market, Volume & Forecast

1. North America
2. Latin America
3. Asia-Pacific
4. Europe
5. Rest of the World

Global Dairy Alternatives Market - Company Profiles

1. WhiteWave Foods Company
2. Hain Celestial Group Inc.
3. Blue Diamond Growers, Inc.
4. Organic Valley
5.SunOpta Inc.
6. Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company
7. Freedom Foods Group Limited
8. Kikkoman
9. Vitasoy International Holdings Limited
10. Living Harvest Foods Inc.
11. Nutriops S.L
12. Eden Foods Inc.
13. Earth’s Own Food Company Inc.
14. Triballat Noyal
15. Valsoia SpA
16. Daiya Foods Inc. (Acquired by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
17. Döhler GmbH
18. Archer Daniels Midland Company
19. Danone

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iGATE Research PVT LTD

Ravi Sinha
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Marketing and Sales Divison
Email: ravi.sinha@igateresearch.com
Contact: +91-858-684-0791, +91-821-092-7469 (INDIA)
Web: www.igateresearch.com

Контактное лицо: Ravi Sinha
Компания: Igateresearch
Добавлен: 05:48, 12.04.2020 Количество просмотров: 397
Страна: Россия

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