Two Year Acting Program in New York City | Commit Yourself to Your Craft | Maggie Flanigan Studio
Many of the most highly respected and hard-working actors in theater and film trained at The Maggie Flanigan Studio in the two year acting program.
June 29, 2016 New York, NY: The Maggie Flanigan Studio has announced the opening of enrollment for the 2016 September start of their two year acting program for eligible students in New York City.
The Maggie Flanigan Studio (MFS), arguably the best Meisner conservatory in the United States, has a limited number of spots remaining for the 2016 fall start of their Two Year Meisner Acting Conservatory. Only 60 students are accepted into the acting program, which begins September 9th. Acceptance is based on a one-on-one interview with the Executive Director and Head of Acting, Charlie Sandlan.
The Studio believes that a sustainable and respectful career in acting requires that you commit yourself to your craft. This is dependent upon one's dedication to artistry, work ethic, process, and a mastery of the fundamentals. The first year of MFS's Two Year Acting Program will solidify your working knowledge of Meisner's technique, and is taught by Charlie Sandlan.
Created by Sanford Meisner as an answer to his serious concerns with Lee Strasberg's Method, his technique is now believed by many to be the most specific way to train actors, and has produced some of the most viable artists in the business. The Maggie Flanigan Studio is dedicated to maintaining and truthfully teaching the totality of Meisner's work. The 2-Year Professional Actor Training Program is intended for serious actors only. Those who understand that talent alone will not suffice. Expectations are high, and students are challenged to make bold, courageous choices. Actors are pushed to play full out, and to adopt a better understanding of the human condition. The Maggie Flanigan Studio believes that it is the actors job to create behavior.
MFS Executive Director Charlie Sandlan has spent over a decade with studio founder Maggie Flanigan refining the art of teaching the technique for the next generation of serious actors. Slots in the Two Year Acting Conservatory Program are desirable, but the studio is seeking a certain kind of student, and there is still time to apply. Sandlan says, "The Meisner Technique is the most brilliant way to ground an actor with fundamentals, while also allowing the actor to function from their vulnerability and full emotional range." He states, "Most actors in this country do not train. They are lazy and have no technique. If you want to be taken seriously as an artist you must commit yourself to your craft."
The Maggie Flanigan Studio Two Year Acting Conservatory can provide a serious actor with a much better understanding of acting as an art form, and may lead to a long, successful career. "Completing the two year acting program was the best thing I could have possibly done for my career. I have every tool I need to go out and be the best actor I can be. If I could do it all over 100 lives in a row, I'd pick Maggie Flanigan Studio every time." - MFS Alum Seth Andrew Miller.
Casting directors, agents, directors, and producers value actors that arrive ready to deliver work that will lift the quality of the entire production and energize everyone involved. As hundreds of actors flock to New York fresh out of their college acting programs, those who seek to continue their training at The Maggie Flanigan Studio in their two year acting program will have a tremendous edge over the untrained.
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