ORPALIS Launches AvePDF Free Online PDF and Documents Tools
ORPALIS is pleased to launch a new free product for everyone, AvePDF. AvePDF is a web application to fully manage PDF files, documents, and images directly in a browser.
ORPALIS is a software editor in the document imaging domain with strong expertise in security (encryption, digital signature), PDF, hyper-compression, forms and symbols recognition (OCR, OMR, MICR, barcode), and format conversion (100+ formats supported).
Thanks to its built-in premium document imaging technology core, AvePDF provides both sophisticated tools like hyper-compression, OCR, and digital signature, with the highest level of security and confidentiality for the documents processed.
AvePDF includes a wide variety of tools, which can be used by virtually anyone, individuals and organizations, needing to process electronic documents. The general public will find convenient tools for their daily tasks (compress, merge, split, remove, combine pages), and professionals will benefit from advanced features usually available in commercial solutions like OCR and hyper-compression.
The performances of AvePDF are continuously improved, and new features are added weekly.
Today, the following tools/widgets are available:
Hyper-compress PDF, Esign PDF, Convert PDF, Compress PDF, Split PDF, Merge PDF, Organize PDF, Remove PDF, Rotate PDF, Combine PDF, Convert to PDF/A, Protect PDF, Unlock PDF, Word to PDF, TIFF to PDF, PDF to TIFF, JPG to PDF, PDF to JPG, OCR PDF.
Each widget is easy to use thanks to an intuitive interface. The user imports a document (via upload or drag and drop) from his device or from a cloud repository (Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox), processes the document with a few clicks, and downloads the result.
The web application is built with security and confidentiality of the uploaded documents in mind. Files are securely uploaded on AvePDF and are deleted from the servers as soon as they have been processed. No one, besides the user, has any access to the files during the whole process.
Coming soon
Many other formats conversion and advanced PDF features like repair, add watermark, edit, clean up, forms filling, and PDF/A validation will be implemented in the next two months. AvePDF and PassportPDF
AvePDF is part of the PassportPDF ecosystem: PassportPDF is a modern cloud infrastructure offering desktop applications, freemium microservices, and APIs dedicated to addressing document management challenges of professional and general public users. It offers productivity-oriented solutions in many fields such as compression, conversion, OCR, content protection, digital signature, data compliance, and more...
Visit https://avepdf.com/ to find more information about AvePDF
Контактное лицо: Loïc Carrère
Компания: ORPALIS
Добавлен: 20:05, 06.12.2019
Количество просмотров: 674
Страна: США
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