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XLSTAT 2020.4.1 is Released with New Features and Renewed Interface, ADDINSOFT, 16:08, 27.10.2020281
XLSTAT 2020.4.1 is available for download! What's new? Support Vector Regression, Clustatis, Screening Designs, K Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes Classification.

XLSTAT 2020.1.3 is now available! What's new?, ADDINSOFT, 22:03, 30.04.2020361
ADDINSOFT is proud to announce a release of XLSTAT 2020.1.3, a complete statistical add-in for Microsoft Excel®. Discover our latest features and options.

XLSTAT 2019.1 now available with new features and options, ADDINSOFT, 19:20, 29.03.2019405
XLSTAT 2019.1 is available for download! What's new? Customer Lifetime Value, Price Elasticity Demand, STATIS and more!

XLSTAT 2018.7 now available with new features and options, ADDINSOFT, 02:43, 28.11.2018387
XLSTAT 2018.7 is available for download! What's new?: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Price Sensitivity Meter, Load large CSV/text files files and more

XLSTAT 2018.6 now available with new features and options, ADDINSOFT, 02:31, 20.11.2018455
XLSTAT 2018.6 is available for download! What's new?: Fuzzy K-means, Conjoint Survey Design, Variable Transformation and more.

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