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China outbound tourism market is expected to reach US$ 365 Billion by 2025. Tourism, especially outbound tourism, has become more and more popular among Chinese residents who increasingly emphasize high quality services and better shopping experiences. The major factors driving the growth of the market includes; rising affluent & middle-class population, liberal tourism policy such as Approved Destination Status (ADS), open door policy, other relaxed government agreements and increasing number of passport holders in the country.

The top five destinations (Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea) accounted for over 35% share of the total Chinese outbound tourists in 2018. The skyrocketing numbers of Chinese outbound tourism represents immense opportunities of revenue growth for destinations and travel and related brands outside of China. Many destinations and local businesses around the world are making great efforts to attract a larger share of China's outbound travelers. For example, about 20 nations - including Mauritius, Morocco and Tunisia - now offer visa waivers or landing visas as perks to Chinese travelers. Earlier in November 2014, the United States began a 10-year mutual visa validity policy with China. Recently, Singapore Tourism Board, Changi Airport and Sentosa Development Corporation have launched a joint promotion campaign to attract more Chinese tourists.

China Outbound Tourists Visit, Spending and Forecast - By Country

• Hong Kong captures highest share of the total China outbound tourists, followed by Thailand and Japan.

• United States, Hong Kong and Japan captures highest share of the total China outbound tourists spending in 2018.

• In 2016, visitors from China made up 46.8% of tourists in South Korea.

• From the year 2016 onwards, the number of Chinese tourist visits to Taiwan is falling quickly.

• Japan’s tourism boom stems from a relaxation of visa requirements, particular for visitors from China.

China Outbound Tourists Visit & Spending - By Purpose

• A large proportion of Chinese tourists travelled abroad mainly for the holiday purpose. This segment also accounted for lion’s share of the total Chinese outbound tourists spending.

• Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) is the second most popular purpose for Chinese to travel abroad followed by business travelers.

• Hong Kong is the most popular VFR and business destination for Chinese tourists.

• Thailand, Vietnam and United States are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th most popular business destination for Chinese tourists.

• Japan and United States captures highest share of the total Chinese outbound holiday tourists spending in 2018.

• United States captured highest share of the China outbound business tourists spending.

• Hong Kong accounted for maximum share of the Chinese outbound VFR tourists spending.

iGATE RESEARCH report titled “China Outbound Tourists Visit and Spending (Top 12 Countries), Purpose of Visits & Spending (Holiday, Business, VFR & Others) - Forecast to 2025” provides a comprehensive analysis of the China Outbound Tourism Market.

This 292 Page report with 265 Figures and 24 Tables has been analyzed from 10 View Points:

1) Global - China Outbound Tourists Visit and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
2) Global - China Outbound Tourists Spending and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
3) Global - China Outbound Tourists Visit Share, Spending Share and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
4) By Purpose - China Outbound Tourists Visit and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
5) By Purpose - China Outbound Tourists Spending and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
6) Top 12 Countries - China Outbound Tourists Visit and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
7) Top 12 Countries - China Outbound Tourists Purpose of Visit and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
8) Top 12 Countries - China Outbound Tourists Spending and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
9) Top 12 Countries - China Outbound Tourists Spending Types and Forecast (2013 - 2025)
10) China Outbound Tourism Market - Growth Drivers & Challenges

China Outbound Tourists Visit & Spending - By Purpose

• Holiday
• Business
• Visiting Friends & Relatives (VFR)
• Others

China Outbound Tourists Visit, Purpose of Visit, Spending & Spending Types - Top 12 Countries

1. United States
2. Canada
3. Australia
4. New Zealand
5. Japan
6. South Korea
7. Singapore
8. Thailand
9. Hong Kong
10. Taiwan
11. Malaysia
12. Vietnam
13. Others


Click here to view the complete report: http://igateresearch.com/FullReportDetail.php?p=153

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Добавлен: 18:21, 22.10.2019 Количество просмотров: 350
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