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Provide Wireless Internet to Your Guests with Hotspot Software, ANTAMEDIA, 16:07, 20.12.2017524
Antamedia HotSpot Software provides the tools you need to manage wireless internet accessibility for your guests.

Do More with the Best WiFi Hotspot Software, ANTAMEDIA, 10:40, 28.04.2017532
Antamedia, developers of some of the world's best WiFi hotspot software, have just released their latest edition along with a whole raft of stability and performance updates.

Lock Down Public Computers with Kiosk Software, ANTAMEDIA, 13:51, 22.03.2016814
ANTAMEDIA Kiosk Software replaces the default Windows user interface to restrict access to the computer. This allows you to transform the computer into a public kiosk for use in Internet cafes, point-of-sale systems and other situations.

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