Hotel Reservation Software's April 2016 Release Features Room Type Graphing
iMagic Software Reveals April Updates for Hotel Reservation Software
New York, NY-4/21/16. iMagic has just revealed the most recent updates for their hotel reservation management tool with a new hotel management graph reporting tool. This addition helps complement new room type options with labels such as "Room Type by monthly revenue and percentage of occupancy" for various date ranges. This new option is now made available under the reports view. iMagic also extends its appreciation to one of its users Mark Enter who have suggested about this update. This month's update and those from previous months can all be easily installed by launching the hotel reservation software and selecting Check Web for Updates under main menu Help.
What iMagic Hotel Reservation Tool Can Do? Apart from reporting feature which received the highlighted update for April, iMagic's software helps primarily through a unified, robust and easy to use reservation management tool that can take online reservations, record booking notes, offer multiple payment options and drag and drop reservation changes tool among others. Its customer management feature helps customer reuse their old data if they're frequent guests through an automatically generated customer database plus other capabilities that make booking rooms a breeze for any guest.
The room management features are carefully aligned so hotel managers using the software can easily locate which rooms are vacant, duration of stay per guest and room, customize room types and view rooms in desired format either through graphs or reports.
Apart from this list of capabilities, exporting features for all components (guest, room and booking), high compatibility with existing software products such as the widely used Microsoft Office suite environment and constant software updates to help improve the service.
Own Users at the Forefront With regards constant software updates, iMagic believes in its strongest tenet: "customer comes first" so their technical team will never release updates if customers don't clamor for such a widespread change. They often gather suggestions from real users around the world so all changes won't be difficult to adopt.
About iMagic Software
iMagic is a software company composed of talented, experienced and dedicated professionals who understand how business works - through its people. That's why in all its projects and tools largely available in the market today, their customers come first with quality, price and user-centric free software updates. It focuses its efforts in helping small to medium enterprises but has previously been successful at helping scale the growth for multinational companies as notable as IBM, Barclays and Telstra. iMagic also invests a lot on its people so its office is not located in the bustling stressful city but in the laid back forests. Contact: Jon Walker
Контактное лицо: Jon Walker
Компания: iMagic
Добавлен: 22:30, 09.05.2016
Количество просмотров: 585
Страна: США
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