LSoft Technologies launches Active@ UNFORMAT Version 10
April 22, 2020: LSoft Technologies is proud to announce the release of an all-new edition of its popular data recovery software. Active@ UNFORMAT version 10 sports an overhauled recovery kernel with many minor bug fixes and other improvements. It also ships with the latest version of Boot Disk Creator and the Boot Disk utilities. Furthermore, there's a new recovery mode for Apple's ApFS file system, as well as improved recovery for drives formatted in the Microsoft ReFS file system. Finally, many new pre-defined file signatures have been added, including AQ, ODT, ODG, ODP, OPDS, ODF, ODB, DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX.
Why use data recovery software?
Did you know that deleting a file from the recycle bin or formatting a disk doesn't actually change or remove the original data? The only thing which gets changed, at least initially, is the metadata about the file in the master file table. This database includes all the information about every file and folder on your computer. It's the directory structure that tells your operating system and other software where to find the files. Without the file system, you can't access the files or folders, but that doesn't mean they're not still there after you format your disk. The only thing that happens is that the previously occupied space becomes available.
Data recovery software exploits the window of opportunity you have between deleting data and its getting permanently overwritten. Sometimes, it might be possible to recover files months after they have been deleted, but your chances will always be much higher if you act quickly and avoid making any further modifications to the drive. Active@ UNFORMAT provides a completely independent operating environment, which you can boot into and use without touching the hard drives in your machine. That means you can safely recover data from your system hard drive too.
Get started with Active@ UNFORMAT 10 at https://www.unformat.com/index.html .
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 22:56, 06.07.2020
Количество просмотров: 344
Страна: США
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