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Mobile Effort Offers ‘Call Stats’ App for Android, Mobile Effort, 00:49, 14.07.2018507
The software development company Mobile Effort offers Android app ‘Call Stats’. The application assists users to get a statistical data regarding minutes spent on talking per frequent numbers and per carrier.

Mobile Effort Company is Scheduled New App ‘Group Tracker’ for Release on the 25th of July 2018, Mobile Effort, 00:48, 14.07.2018495
The software development company Mobile Effort is going to release an original Android app ‘Group Tracker’. The application is developed to help members to find out a location of each other on a map and track movement in real time.

Mobile Effort Launches Redesigned App ‘Message in Time’ for Android, Mobile Effort, 19:56, 05.06.2018486
The software development company Mobile Effort offers redesigned Android app ‘Message In Time’ to customers. Users of the application won’t forget to inform people about important things.

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