ACEX – Official Customs Broker for “TRANSRUSSIA” Exhibition
For ACEX Group participation in the biggest transportation services’ trade fair, which attracts leading experts from over 500 companies and 30 countries annually, is a great possibility to present an additional range of services of the company on the logistics market - Сustoms clearance in Russia.
The company has previously participated in the largest logistics event on a regular basis as a Russian and international freight forwarder, which provides a full range of transportation services, and also in the capacity of a speaker and an expert in the exhibition. This year, ACEX Group, while possessing a broad experience in providing Customs services, has decided to expand the range of services positioned on the main logistics platform and appear as a large Customs broker, acting under the agency agreement with KRVN Ltd (Certificate of Registration in the Register of Customs Representatives №0353/00 from 03.06.2011). The experience in Customs clearance of various categories of goods (including chemical and food industries’ products and goods requiring veterinary and phytosanitary control), as well as in interactions with Customs authorities and in certification of goods, gained by the specialists of the company during more than 10 years of successful work, allows ACEX to fulfill all the clients’ needs on Customs station professionally and without delays. Currently, ACEX Group handles Customs clearance at all the points of Customs administration in Russian Federation. The company works with all types of cargoes, being transported by road, air and rail transport.
The range of customs clearance services provided by ACEX:
• Shipping documents’ analysis • Classification of goods in accordance with the Harmonized System Code (HS Code) of Russian Federation • Declaration of goods, completing the Customs Declaration • Submission of documents to the customs authorities • Preliminary calculation and payment of customs duties and charges • National and international customs law consulting • Assistance in obtaining conformity certificates, as well as veterinary, phytosanitary and hygiene certificates
ACEX Group, as the Official Customs Broker, would be glad to demonstrate to participants and visitors of “TransRussia” a full range of sector-specific solutions, ranging from international freight forwarding services to factoring services and customs operations throughout Russia and the CIS.
For more details you might contact our specialists directly at the exhibition, which takes place on April 24-27 at the Expocentre.
Tel: 8-800-777-2239 (toll free in Russia) http://www.acex.net/en/press_center/news/2366/

Brief information about company:
ACEX Group is an international transportation company, providing professional logistics and customs services. Company offices are located in key cities of Russia, CIS and Europe. The agency network operates in more than 100 countries. Warehouse facilities in EU and CIS occupy 30 000sqm. Thanks to valuable resources accumulated throughout the years of work, the company is able to provide integrated logistics services, incl. local delivery of cargoes, customs clearance, warehouse handling, as well as global coverage of logistics by any means of transport. http://www.acex.net/en/
Company news: http://www.acex.net/en/press_center/news/
Контактное лицо: Inna Vysotskaya
Компания: ACEX
Добавлен: 03:59, 17.04.2012
Количество просмотров: 733
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