Olena Makeieva has presented Ukraine at the International Conference on Business and Professional Ethics of Accountants
On May 9-10, 2012 there was held a conference on “The importance of business and professional ethics for small and medium-sized enterprises”. The conference was organized by the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (EFFA). The conference was headed by Federico Diomeda, CEO of EFFA. The panel memberswereAndrea Benassi,Secretary General ofUEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Stefano Marchese,Consultant to the NationalBoard ofAccountantsand accountingexpertsin Italy, Geoffrey Britton, President ofEFAA, Laura J Spence,professorof businessethics and many other expertsin business ethicsin Europe. Olena Makeieva, Head of the Board of the International Non-profit Organization "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors", managing partner of Audit Company "Aksonova & Associates" has presented Ukraine at this event. Olena Makeieva told about the national peculiarities of the implementation of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in Ukraine, about the challenges and prospects of the profession of accountant and auditor in Ukraine. “EFFA raises issues of professional ethics at such a high level and this is the value of the organization”. That is what I want to see in Ukraine”, - Olena Makeieva concluded her speech. Event organizershave raised issues regardingthe principles ofinternational businessethics,the future ofworld trade andthe economyas a whole.In addition,key issuesweresustainability,trends andprospects fordevelopment of small andmedium businesses. ProfessorRobert Blackburn,Director of the ResearchCenterof Small BusinessManagement Department ofKingston University London,noted the importanceof trustin the relationshipsof existingsmall andmedium enterprises. He was sure that trust and compliance with the standards of ethics could overcome many challenges of professional relationships.Representatives of small andmedium-sized businessesin different countrieshave differentbusinessstrategies andare at different stagesof development butit is equally importantfor themto adopt thebest traditionsand rules ofaccounting and auditenvironment. There were discussed the International Standards of Ethics for Accountants and Auditors at the conference, also the process of convergenceof international and nationalstandards of ethics,the problems of introduction ofbusiness ethicswhich arethe keycomponentsfor practicingaccountants andthose who workin business, commerce and public sector.
Контактное лицо: Покрасён Юлия
Компания: Audit company “Aksonova & Associates”
Добавлен: 01:08, 18.05.2012
Количество просмотров: 561
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