Международная конференция по развитию сотрудничества между университетами
IUNC Latin America 2015 Expanding HE Opportunities March 4-5, 2015 IUNC Latin America is a bridge for international academic cooperation. The conference is organized on March 4-5, 2015 in Brazil, Latin America, and embraces more than 150 higher education establishments and language schools from Europe, North America and Asia while special emphasis is laid on the university collaboration with the BRICS countries and major education hubs of the 21st century. Being the intersection of education, industry and technology Brazil offers excellent perspectives into global HE and internationalization, giving you the singular opportunity to mingle with a diverse mix of hundreds of universities, colleges, language schools, educational service providers and HE specialists from around the globe at the convivial and exciting networking events. The extensive seminar program will lead you along the modern pathways to establishing solid partnerships with the major education hubs of the present day society as well as help you to attract foreign investment, retain local students, build reputation on international level and learn to satisfy the needs of both international and domestic students. Another focus is laid on partnerships with universities in developing countries which promote capacity building, research collaboration and help develop responsible and engaged global students. Participation in IUNC Latin America will equip you with unparalleled knowledge of international HE market and practical tools in order not to lag behind the ever-changing education market. Besides, by meeting your potential partners face-to-face you will be able to get unbiased first-hand information of the possible cooperation areas and peculiarities of a certain education market. Adopt successful development strategies in the long run. The Conference program includes: — Open sessions and seminars on various topics about: trends of international education and latest HE analytics effective ways of cooperation between universities recruitment technologies state scholarship programs. — Prescheduled meetings with universities. — Campus tour to prospective partner universities. — Networking activities. The participants will find the following avenues for cooperation at the Conference: Academic exchange of students. Tutors exchange. Student recruitment. Creating joint educational programs. Exchange of educational products. Joint grant applications. Enjoy the prime networking opportunities in the heart of South America and increase your competitiveness on international education market!
Контактное лицо: Лаврушин Александр
Компания: Ассоциация восточно-европейских университетов
Добавлен: 00:29, 18.08.2014
Количество просмотров: 620
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