Round-table discussion of ACEX took place during TransRussia-2015
The event was aimed to develop a practical solution in followup of the III Eurasian Conference “Logistics in the International Commercial and Industrial Cooperation” in the CCI of Russia. The heads of the biggest Russian and European transport companies and associations answered the main questions of the market participants during the round-table discussion. The speakers shared their own experience of practical solutions in different spheres in order to establish base for supply chain management in Russia. Alexander Lisin, CEO of the Russian Intermodal Logistics Association (RILA), the member of the Logistics Committee of the CCI of Russia thinks that intermodality is the main model for logistics development permitting to coordinate different means of transport and goods traffic. It is necessary to realize projects within the framework of infrastructure objects - container terminals, ports, warehouses, autoparks, institutes of higher education. Partnership between traffic operators, railway enterprises, forwarding agencies, terminal operators and other traffic participants is the tool to improve competitive power of all participants. Alexander Lisin underlined that the main goal of the alliances as the basis of business cooperation of different means of transport and economic activity is to guarantee trusting and mutually beneficial relations between the participants. Denis Mazurin, Business Development Director, “RZD Logistics” highlighted that the logistics basis is not the transportation but management technology of all processes. The key competence of “RZD Logistics” is optimization of external and internal processes of industrial enterprises. According to Denis Mazurin during crisis period the companies should not concentrate on decreasing their costs through stuff reduction what will definitely lead to worsening of services quality and competitive power but they should perform complex analysis of technology and find out critical points in the supply chain. Oleg Dunaev, Chairman of the Logistics Committee of the CCI of Russia mentioned that the logistics development in Russia faces one main difficulty namely it is a problem of competences, knowledge and skills of all participants of business processes. According to Oleg Dunaev information technologies development is the basis of goods traffic and flow management. Trans Eurasian logistics platform established within the framework of the CCI will provide basis for business innovations and networking cooperation. Oleg Dunaev underlined that the competitive advantage for every company is based on establishing of organizational networks and mutual cooperation. Profit of each company will depend on success and quality of such cooperation. Andrey Emelin, Business management systems architect “ASys Soft” offered how to create a unified IT-platform permitting to build stable chains of mutual cooperation and enabling each participant of the chain to control relations between supplier and customer. In order to apply mutual cooperation technology an organized synchronized logistics movement of three data flows (information, finances, goods and services) is required. Andrey Emelin thinks that the system will help to consolidate work of all participants in the real-time mode, control each operator with different means of transportation and get individual analytics with minimal costs and maximum detalization. Nikita Kovalevskiy, CEO of Optima Freight, Finland, member of ACEX Alliance spoke about active and successful system of business process control between the European and Russian companies. Active innovative technology of bar-coding and cargo tracking at all stages of transportation permits to monitor all cargo flow in the unified system without loss of time and responsibility between carriers.
Andrey Vasilenko, General director, “Atlantic” shared successful cases of complex logistics solutions for retail chains. Stock management is executed through a unified distribution center on the basis of automated control system of all warehouse processes. Owing to established logistics structure between partners trading companies will be able to perform settlements via uniform system, decrease costs per unit of product and get direct access to international manufactures. Miroslav Zolotarev, Chairman of ACEX Alliance, the member of the Logistics Committee of the CCI, moderator of the round-table discussion resumed that successful development of business processes between the Russian and foreign companies depends on trusting partner relations which are based on honest and mutually profitable cooperation between participants. Alliance of transport companies will develop successfully on the basis of a unified logistics platform which will provide the market participants with the following: • opportunity to find reliable partners in Russia and abroad, as well as to integrate companies with each other • development and implementation of modern IT systems as platform for cooperation • management of coordination issues between the service providers in terms of warehousing, consolidation, customs clearance • integration of logistics agents for clients within a unified structure • adapted logistics standards of services which have much in common with the global ones in the client’s supply chains • possibility to promote regional companies and associations, distinguish strong points of each partner in his region • joint work on Trans Eurasian platform of the CCI of Russia.
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ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance .
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