Acex Group is the Main Carrier for EXPO Milano 2015
01.05.2015 - 31.10.2015 Thousands of original dishes and traditional drinks from all over Russia are gathered in the Russian pavilion of EXPO 2015 Milano world exhibition. If all the recipes are put in one recipe-book it will be thicker than “War and Peace” by Lev Tolstoy. Different products belonging to our country traditions are transported to Milan by ACEX Alliance member – company «Cargo Express». All the company departments are engaged into this global project: airfreight department, multimodal and customs departments. All the specialists are working day and night making all the possible to «Feed the planet» (the exhibition slogan) with the best Russian food. According to Alexandra Chagina, the head of «Cargo Express» airfreight department, the most difficult part of the transportation of such a kind is that all the goods have diferent veterinary and phytosanitary control requirements in Russia and Italy. The documents which are fine for the Russian side mismatch the Italian requirements. Besides that some types of products are to be transported with the observance of temperature conditions. For example, confectionary have to be shipped at a temperature from +2 to +8 °C, meat products need a storage temperature from -18 to 0 °C provided by dry ice specially ordered for this transpotration. «The other difficulty we faced was that for sturgeon and sterlet transportation to the exhibition the supplier had to receive the CITES Certificate (CITES - The Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), which guarantees that this international foreign trade procedure does not threaten wild animals' and plants' survival», commentsAlexandra Chagina . Unfortunately not all the producers delivered their goods to the warehouse packed properly for the international airfreight. "Cargo Express" had to check, repack and mark almost all the products. Yury Orlov, Airfreight department manager shares his working experience in the project: «We received a huge invoice with the bakery products with more than 100 items. Chuk-chuk, barankas, chrackers, spice-cakes, pies and the others. We had to arrange the delivery of goods to our country pavilion in Italy as soon as possible. We had to make analysis certificate for all the items and to mention all the ingredients the products consisted of in English. As a result all the company discussed the translation to the Russian word «kvass». So we found out that «kvass» is a traditional Russian soft drink made of bread. And «chuk-chuk» is a traditional dessert food made from white wheat flour, vegetable oil, natural honey, hen eggs, sugar, salt. We tried to do our best. We constantly exceeded the time permitted for a move working all days including week-ends». Vladimir Putin visited the exhibition in Milan on June 10 -12. 34 items were urgently sent by air to make it possible for the Russian companies to present their product to the President. The airfreight for EXPO-2015 Milano was organized from different airports of the Moscow Air Centre. The cargo was sent by Swiss Airines, British Airways, Emirates Sky Cargo, Aeroflot, AirBridgeCargo in accordance with the dimensions of goods and transit time. The Italian partner of ACEX alliance "World Cargo Srl" met the cargo in Milano airport. The Italian contractors were in charge of the customs clearance and the delivery of goods straight to the exhibition. The work was fulfilled in week-ends and without any breaks. We need to thank our Italian colleague as they had to forget about siesta. Alexandra Chagina shares her impressions: «We started this project with the deep sense of pride and patriotism. This case is more than promotion for us. The task was really difficult and we used all the resourses at the maximum point. We were working as one team 24 hours a day, overcoming all the difficulties. We had to contribute to the project realization to make the Russian pavilion the best one presenting goods produced by Russian Federation to the whole world».
Details at ACEX Alliance Press Center E-mail: Website:
ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance .
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