Moscow Cargo and ACEX Start Cooperation
23.07.2015 The targets that Moscow Cargo intends to accomplish in cooperation with the Alliance: • sharing experiences and technologies among Alliance members; • participation in industry service level standards development; • logistics market needs and expectations researching applied to modern cargo terminals. The Agreement parties announced that the cooperation with Moscow Cargo as the one of the largest air cargo terminals in Russia will strengthen the existing Alliance positions. “Moscow Сargo” is the largest aircargo terminal in Russia and its membership in the ACEX Alliance will substantially strengthen position of the group on the airfreight market in Russia. Cooperation with “Moskva-Cargo” gives the ACEX Alliance members opportunities to noticeably improve quality of their services provided to the customers related to the ground and terminal handling of the air cargo shipments via Moscow airfreight hub as well as it will help the alliance offer the single service standard to the international partners, help optimize their expenses and as a result to increase their airfreight volumes and to expand their business in Russia”, commented Miroslav Zolotarev, ACEX Alliance chairman, on the prospects of cooperation with “Moscow-Cargo”. "We are glad to cooperate," said the Head of Marketing Department "Moscow Cargo" Arthur Akikan. - Activities in such projects help to establish a strong feedback from all market participants, explore their needs and offer them suitable products."
Reference information: Moscow Cargo – ground handling company that is operating at the Sheremetyevo International Airport more than 20 years and serving the leading airlines.
Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/partners/russia/1122/ ACEX Alliance Press Center E-mail: pr@acex.net Website: http://www.acexgroup.net
ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail pr@acex.net or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance www.acexgroup.net .
Контактное лицо: Elena Baranova
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 02:45, 24.07.2015
Количество просмотров: 831
Страна: Россия
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