Monitor Data Integrity with Active@ Hard Disk Monitor
LSoft Technologies, one of the world's leading suppliers of disk and data utilities, presents Active@ Hard Disk Monitor: a complete solution for monitoring the health of your digital storage devices. This software provides full monitoring and control over your data by providing ongoing insights into its integrity and the status of your storage devices. In other words, if a drive looks like it might be about to fail, you'll know about it early enough that you'll have a chance to mitigate the problem before it gets out of control.
Active@ Hard Disk Monitor helps you keep tabs on the performance and reliability of a wide range of different storage devices. By using S.M.A.R.T. technology, you can view a detailed analysis of every sector on a solid-state drive or other device. By presenting data visually, it is much easier to make sense of the large amount of data points. Now you can enjoy complete descriptions of every activity, which allows you to diagnose errors and get a better idea of when you should start thinking about replacing the drive.
If Active@ Hard Disk Monitor detects any critical disk errors and other conditions that might compromise your data, you'll receive an automatic notification. This makes the tool extremely useful when monitoring the integrity of multiple storage devices in data centers or networked storage facilities. The software also provides remote monitoring, an instantly familiar interface and a built-in temperature graph. Find out more at http://www.disk-monitor.com/.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 04:55, 24.01.2018
Количество просмотров: 479
Страна: США
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