ElcomSoft Phone Breaker 9.15 supports iOS 13 and iPadOS beta, extracts iCloud tokens from macOS
Elcomsoft Phone Breaker 9.15 adds the ability to download iCloud backups created with iPhone and iPad devices running iOS 13 and iPadOS beta. Both public and developer betas of iOS 13 are supported including the new iPadOS.
In addition, the tool fixes an issue with iCloud authentication tokens. For months, the use of iCloud authentication tokens was severely limited. Elcomsoft Phone Breaker was only able to use tokens produced by macOS on the very same computer the token was created on. The update is now able to extract the complete, fully-featured iCloud authentication tokens from macOS computers and use that token on any other computer. The token can be used to authenticate into iCloud without using the login, password and two-factor authentication process. However, the authentication token cannot be used for accessing backups, iCloud Keychain, Messages and Health categories.
Elcomsoft Phone Viewer is also updated to support local (iTunes) and iCloud backups produced by iOS 13 devices. Both tools add preliminary support for the latest beta version of macOS 10.15 (Catalina).
The update is free of charge to all customers who purchased or renewed their Elcomsoft Phone Breaker or Elcomsoft Mobile Forensic Bundle license within one year. Discounted renewal is available to customers whose maintenance plan has already expired.
Elcomsoft Phone Breaker release notes:
- Added support for iCloud backups produced by beta versions of iOS 13 and iPadOS - Fixed the issue of downloading and decrypting a small number of iOS 11 and 12 iCloud backups - Extracts fully-featured iCloud tokens (will work on other computers) from macOS - Added preliminary support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina) beta - Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Elcomsoft Phone Viewer release notes:
- Added support for local iCloud backups produced by beta versions of iOS 13 and iPadOS - Added preliminary support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina) beta - Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Read more at https://www.elcomsoft.com/eppb.html .
Контактное лицо: Vladimir Katalov
Компания: ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
Добавлен: 20:35, 13.08.2019
Количество просмотров: 340
Страна: США
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