Erase hard drive data securely and thoroughly with the new Active@ KillDisk 14
April 30, 2020 -- LSoft Technologies, one of the leading companies in the field of data recovery and secure deletion software, announces Active@ KillDisk 14. The new version is empowered with the latest kernel for a smoother workflow and better performance. It also includes new features, various improvements and fixes.
Active@ KillDisk is the program for anyone seeking a way how to erase hard drive files so that they can never be retrieved by any third party program or by any other method. It supports the NTFS and FAT file systems as well as the native file systems used by Apple MacOS and Linux for PCs. It works with many types of storage media such as IDE, ATA, SATA, SCSI, SSD, USB, ZIP and memory cards.
Providing you with a wide range of tools, Active@ KillDisk does not require any special knowledge. And you will find it even easier to use with the context help added in the new version. Also, its dialogs have been adapted for 800x600 monitors, so working with Active@ KillDisk is now convenient even at low resolutions. For those who prefer to run the program from a bootable disk, Boot Disk Creator has been updated to support configurable parameters allowing you to customize KillDisk settings for Boot Disk. The security has been improved too: SMTP now supports SSL/TLS to provide you with secure e-mail notifications.
If you are interested in thorough data deletion to the extent that there's no chance of anyone ever being able to get hold of your personal files, Active@ KillDisk is the perfect solution. Providing and industrial level of functionality and quality, Active@ KillDisk is the ultimate tool for any home or business user who is concerned with data security. The program meets no less than 17 strict security standards from around the world, so you can be sure that you're getting the quality you pay for. Active@ KillDisk offers variouos pricing options, including a free version, to suit everyone's needs. Visit https://www.killdisk.com/eraser.html today and give it a try.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 16:48, 10.01.2022
Количество просмотров: 652
Страна: США
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