Since the beginning of 2014 CARGO-EXPRESS, the member of ACEX Group, being a customs broker, has been using possibility of distant goods declaring via Centers of Electronic Declaration (CED) which permit to submit and process customs declarations on-line, without standing in line; the goods are then released directly at the customs post of arrival. "Such a technology allows us to arrange clearance according to European standards meaning that the declarant does not have to be present at the customs authority of arrival. It is a very convenient method which enables to reduce costs for human resources and work places maintenance", - comments Alexey Lipatov, the Head of multimodal department, ACEX Group. The technology has been tried out for both airfreight cargo and cargo arriving at the Baltic Customs office by sea, including cargo delivered by truck. One more useful service implemented in the company at the beginning of the year is the possibility to execute customs clearance at the truck customs terminal in Lobnya. In order to speed up export deliveries handling, the export clearance is arranged at the regional truck terminal from which the cargo will be delivered at Sheremetyevo airport within 30 minutes, as well as at Domodedovo and Vnukovo airport – in 2-2,5 hours. So, it takes about two hours since the arrival of the goods to the post of Lobnia till handing them over to the air carrier, what is almost impossible to achieve while clearance at the airport customs zone. «Similar scheme with transit from airport to the truck customs terminal can be used for import. This concerns import of unusual commodities for the client or goods with big nomenclature in one batch, in a word, probability of this cargo examination is great what also requires big labour expenditures and time but in the same time the delivery schedule to the final consignee is very short”, informs Alexey Lipatov. "Terminal-Premier" is one of the biggest customs warehouses in the Moscow region. Warehouse complex territory is more than 9 ha, total area of warehouse premises is over 30 thousand sq.m. Bonded warehouse and customs post are both located in this territory what enables to perform complex and maximum efficient clearance of exported and imported cargo. The bonded and customs warehouses are equipped with the modern supervision equipment, as well as video control and communication systems. Reference information: Internal customs transit (hereinafter – ICT) is a procedure meaning that foreign goods are transported along the customs territory of the Russian Federation without customs duty and taxes payment or any bans and economic restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation of state regulation of foreign trade activity. ICT is applied while cargo transportation from the place of arrival to the customs office, from the place of cargo location while declare goods to the place of export from the customs territory of the Russian Federation, between the bonded warehouses, customs warehouses, as well as other transportation of foreign goods along the customs territory of the Russian Federation in case the customs payment guarantee has not been provided for these goods. The biggest international airports in the Moscow aviation hub are Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo. These three airports accept a huge cargo flow which is handled by the adjacent customs offices. Such volumes cannot be compared with those of the regional sector. ICT is an indispensable tool for regional consignees who are distant from Moscow, as well as for those participants of foreign trade who prefer to execute customs clearance at the customs post without standing in long line. A great advantage of ICT is no need for registering a company at the customs post as member of international trade while transit declaration issue and to pay customs fees for the period of cargo transportation under customs control. One more factor for ICT application is the higher cost of terminal handling and storage charges at terminals of big airports in comparison with cost for cargo handling in regions. Under ICT procedure the participants of foreign trade are provided with the opportunity to choose the method of transportation. The first one is a bonded carrier included in the Register of Bonded Carriers which will perform the transportation of cargo to the destination point under his own customs fees payment bond. This type of transportation does not exempt the consignee from customs payments but gives time lag for cash transfer to own customs post before or during cargo arrival at the bonded warehouse. The second method is transit under a Certificate of guarantee and Customs receipt. It demands a greater list of documents and advance payment of customs fee, before the transit is started. Owing to active development of foreign trade internal customs transit is becoming one of the most requested kind of services the demand on which is constantly increasing. As a result increases the necessity of professional and high-quality services for all kinds of documents drawing up and time reduction for cargo storage and transportation. ACEX takes up strong positions in providing such services and has a significant volume of transported cargo. "The employees of customs clearance department have great experience in this sphere and in cooperation with customs authorities, possess deep knowledge in customs legislation, can find solution to the problems of any complexity connected with internal customs transit execution very fast. We use our own vehicles with special permit for cargo transportation under customs control what enables us to stay competitive in this sphere”, informs Irina Muryleva, Airfreight department expert, ACEX Group. ACEX Alliance Press Center E-mail: Website:
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