ACEX Alliance Participates in the Exhibition Transrussia-2015
How to minimize risks? How to decrease costs? How to establish single operational standards? How to struggle against competition with network companies? How to keep the client in crisis? The heads and owners of the companies, which are members of the new logistics Alliance, are ready to meet and conduct business negotiations at the stand, as well as search for new partners and answers to the main questions connected with the logistics industry. The logistics market has changed. It tends to shrinking and excluding excessive elements and intermediary units. Complex 3-4PL logistics is the strategy which will help the companies to stay afloat and keep volumes in the crisis conditions. The companies from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Finland and the Baltic states (whose business is closely connected with Russia owing to economic relations and geographic location) have united into the Alliance in order to provide the clients with a new product. Among the Alliance participants there will be the companies specializing in the sea transportation, the biggest airfreight wholesalers, as well as owners of automated warehouses in Russia and Europe and proprietors of rolling stock and vehicles. During 4 days of the exhibition “TransRussia-2015” the Alliance with present: - New logistics standards created by several companies-partners and approached to the international ones; - Real schemes of cooperation which are applied by the Alliance members in the scope of warehousing, consolidation, customs clearance, introduction of IT software and bar-coding; - Established supply chains from Europe to Russia to the client’s door; - International agency logistics network of partners proved by decades of joint work who can provide the most competitive rates and guarantees of solvency. During the exhibition on April 21-24 the business proprietors and the heads of the companies will be available to conduct face-to-face meetings, discuss new contracts and set up new business links. "Brokers, logistics specialists and forwarding companies always participate in the exhibition “TransRussia”. They present that they can provide all kinds of services but they are not able to explain how their supply chain works as they do not have partners at the exhibition to describe their business in detail”, says Nikita Kovalevsky, the Head of Optima Freight, Finland, “We do not make secret of our “tandem” and frankly explain our structure and chain of services. I know all about different kinds of transportations, agency networks, warehousing in Finland. And I can render all these services. The company “Streloy” from Saint Petersburg, in its turn, knows how to execute cargo transportation in Russia, about established bar-coding technology (for the present time nobody on the market can provide this service yet), how to organize quick delivery and how the supply chain between Moscow and Saint-Petersburg functions. ACEX Group can provide, not in the theory but in reality, cargo delivery to different points in Russia and the CIS countries “from door to door”. We are inviting transport and freight forwarding companies from Russia, the CIS and Baltic states, which strive to build new and high quality logistics in Russia, to participate in negotiations and discuss terms of joining the Alliance. April 21-24, the “TransRussia” exhibition, Crocus Expo, 1-3 “Logistics’” pavilion, hall center, ACEX Alliance stand.
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ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance .
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