CARGO EXPRESS and WORLD CARGO delivered the Core of the Earth to Milan
01.05.2015 - 31.10.2015 During several months of cooperation the partners arranged more than 60 shipments consisting of thousands of original dishes from all over Russia. Vladimir Putin visited the exhibition in Milan on June 10 -12. 34 shipments were urgently sent by air to make it possible for the Russian companies to present their product to the President. One of the most extraordinary cargo shipped by the President Putin visit was the Core of the Earth. This is the name for an unusual installation for 3D images demonstration in the center of Tatarstan pavillion at EXPO-2015 Milano.
«We arranged a door-to-door cargo handling», says Alexey Lipatov, the Head of Multimodal Department of CARGO-EXPRESS. «The company was in charge of the cargo delivery from Saint-Petersburg to Moscow, labeling and goods declaration for export at Lobnya terminal as well as of providing the shipment with the transport to Italy. ACEX Italian partner World Cargo S.r.l. met the Core at the destination point. The Italian partners made the customs clearance and delivered the cargo straight to the exhibition pavillion. The standard delivery time on the itinerary Moscow-Milan is about 7 days. Our transport arrived in 5 days as everyone was notified that the President will not wait and we didn’t have a single spare day». «The Core of the Earth» is an audiovisual project created specially for the Russian pavillion. The installation is designed as a time capsule containing a motif of fresco by Leonardo Da Vinci and traditional Russian ornament. The central part of the installation presents various images of Russia and Italy. The renowned architect and researcher of Leonardo Da Vinci Oreste Ruggiero, who has studied the fresco by Da Vinci, found images of Christian values that unite also the artistic traditions of Russia and Italy. The Core of the Earth is to become a symbol of community of cultures. The construction consists of two separate half-spheres 3,3 meters in diameter, the upper and the lower one. Every half-sphere was supplied disassembled (each parts consisting of 3 details) for the transportation convenience. The weight of each half-sphere is 150 kg. When the cargo arrived for inspection to CARGO-EXPRESS customs terminal in Lobnya the Head of Multimodal Department of CARGO-EXPRESS Alexey Lipatov personally controlled packing and labeling of the Core. «First the client sent the boxes' dimensions of the whole modul the Core was packed in. But later these dimensions changed and the car appeared to be too small for the cargo. That is why all the boxes were cut up to fit the car. Finally everything was set up and the car was fully loaded without any spare place. Straight mathematical calculation is the right approach in this situation», comments A. Lipatov. The visit of the Russian President turned to be the reason of even more tense working schedule for the Italian partners WORLD CARGO S.r.l. As the date of Vladimir Putin planned visit was just around the corner the WORLD CARGO employees were physically present in Milan in order to support the customs broker and push the authorities to speed up paperwork review or goods inspection. «Our drivers attempted all deliveries being at the EXPO cargo gate at 23:00 to be one of the first to pass the strict security inspection settled by EXPO organization due to the potential terrorist attacks. All deliveries happened between 02:00 and 04:00 due to long waiting between the 3 security checks to which all vehicles are subject to», says Natalino Rocchi, CEO of WORLD CARGO S.r.l.. Thanks to the accuracy of calculation and coordination of work of partners the Core of the Earth was successfully delivered to Italy. Both the President Vladimir Putin and the Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi had opportunity to admire the installation at the Exhibition. The stop of the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Italy near the interactive Russian-Italian project "Core of the Earth" was imprinted by all central TV channels. - Will I have big problems if i take this home? - the Prime Minister Renzi who liked the sphere very much asked. - Take anything you wish! – Vladimir Putin answered without taking into account that the Core of the Earth was drawn up for temporary export and therefore needed to be returned home. Details at ACEX Alliance Press Center E-mail: Website:
ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts) It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance .
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