Worldwide Trauma Fixation Device Market
Worldwide trauma fixation device market is likely to double by 2020 from the 2010 market level. The key driving factors like increasing fracture rate and road traffic accidents across the globe are set to fuel the demand for trauma fixation devices market. In terms of market distribution by device type, internal trauma fixation device controls nearly 80 percent of market share alone in 2014, whereas in terms of geographical distribution, United States and China are the top two leading countries in the worldwide trauma fixation device market.
Renub Research report titled "Worldwide Trauma Fixation Device Market & Forecast” provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the market and likely future evolution over the next 5 years. This 73 page report with 42 Figures and 1 Tables provides a complete analysis of top Worldwide Trauma Fixation Device Market & Forecast.
Key topics covered in the report are:
1.Trauma Fixation Device Market ( 2010 - 2020)
2.Trauma Fixation Device Market by Type ( 2010 - 2020)
3.Trauma Fixation Device Market Share ( 2010 – 2020)
4.Company Trauma Device Sales (2010 - 2020)
5.Trauma Fixation Device Market Growth Drivers
6.Trauma Fixation Device Market Challenges
Trauma Fixation Device Market Types
1.Internal Fixation Trauma Device Market
2.External Fixation Trauma Device Market
All the 10 Countries studied in the report are as follows
1.United States
2.United Kingdom
Key Companies covered in the report are as follows
1.Smith & Nephew
4.DePuy Synthes
Data Sources
This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by Renub Research team of industry experts.
Primary sources include industry surveys and telephone interviews with industry experts.
Secondary sources information and data has been collected from various printable and non-printable sources like search engines, News websites, Government Websites, Trade Journals, White papers, Government Agencies, Magazines, Newspapers, Trade associations, Books, Industry Portals, Industry Associations and access to more than 500 paid databases.
Click here to view the report details: http://www.renub.com/worldwide-trauma-fixation-device-market-and-forecast-519-p.php
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Rajat Gupta Sr. Manager Sales & Marketing Div Renub Research Email: info@renub.com Phone: Phone: +1-678-302-0700 (USA), +91-120-421-9822, +91-120-424-9780 (India) Web: http://www.renub.com
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Компания: Renub Research
Добавлен: 18:06, 25.02.2016
Количество просмотров: 654
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