GlassWire 1.2.76 released!
GlassWire 1.2.76 is now available for download.
This update uses a new default listening port (7010) for remote access to other GlassWire clients. If you have remote GlassWire clients you are monitoring you'll need to update your local client along with the remote client or the connection will fail. The ports were changed due to user feedback. Apparently some network security software will give false positives if certain ports are used. This will be a one time change and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Please note that you can still use any port you prefer with GlassWire by going to GlassWire's settings, then the "Server" tab, then changing the port numbers there.
We also removed an old cipher that could be used locally between the client and the service, fixed a problem where some free users had a crash when trying to make a remote connection, made GlassWire's history deletion more secure, and made some changes so local traffic is detected more accurately.
Download GlassWire 1.2.76 now: https://www.glasswire.com/download/
Change List:
- Removed an old unreliable cipher between the client and the service to improve connection security. - Changed the default listening port to port 7010 to avoid false positive scans for some security software. This means that you must install GlassWire locally and on your remote servers for this update or the connection will not work. - Fixed a problem where some free users would see a crash when trying to start a remote connection to another PC or server. - Graph history is now more securely erased when cleared by the user. - Local traffic is detected even more accurately now.
Контактное лицо: Ken Watson
Компания: GlassWire
Добавлен: 11:37, 27.10.2016
Количество просмотров: 572
Страна: США
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