ACEX Transported Liebherr Wheel Loader in Three Languages
The shipment of the Liebherr loader by order of Shipco Dalian from China to Baku has been thoroughly worked at – the rates and possibilities were checked in early January, shipment documentation was prepared, and the best solution was found for the cargo handling, where to put the keys in case it will be required to start the loader for loading itself. ACEX experts with the assistance of the long-standing partner in Poti accepted the wheel loader and later reload it from the container to the platform and took it to Baku. “Because of the carrier delay, the loader was delivered to Poti in the end of the spring break in Russia and its beginning in Georgia,” as Evgenia Vidulina, ACEX agency network coordinator states, “that is why the process of receiving of the permit for delivery was delayed, later we had to wait for the police escort, it all ended that instead of 1-2 days, the required operations took 4 days”. The transportation was controlled both from the freight forwarder and the freighter and all involved logistic companies, because of that we had to hire an interpreter who speaks English, Russian and Azerbaijanian, who was escorting the driver during the entire route. Fortunately the driver notwithstanding the speed limits reached the bonded warehouse on time and the load was safely and timely delivered to the customer. More details at http://acex.net/en/press_center/2650/
ACEX Group Press Center pr@acex.net
Контактное лицо: ACEX Group Press Center
Компания: ACEX Group
Добавлен: 22:53, 26.07.2017
Количество просмотров: 796
Страна: Россия
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