India In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) market is likely to exceed US$ 1.8 Billion mark by 2025. The IVD industry in India has been witnessing immense progress. Major technological advancements and higher efficiency systems have taken the sector to new heights. Advanced cutting-edge technologies are being used to understand disease prognosis, thereby strengthening the sophistication level of the participants in the sector. The growing demand for personalized medicines, innovations in diagnostic techniques, increasing preference for point of-care testing among the general population, a growing geriatric population base and increase in disposable incomes is driving the growth of the IVD sector in India.
In India, the emerging trend of corporate players establishing diagnostic centers in small towns and rural areas tends to provide opportunities for the import of automated systems and reagents. For instance, Metropolis Healthcare has announced plans to add 800 collection centers, and 10 labs by end of Fiscal Year 2019. Moreover, global IVD companies are expanding their operational footprint in India which presents a growing market for their products like ready-to-use test kits equipped with features like high specificity and acute diagnostic analysis. Thus, IVD market in India is growing at an extraordinary pace and the country has the potential to emerge as a global manufacturing hub in the medical devices space.
India IVD Market Segment Analysis
• Biochemistry is the leading segment in India IVD market.
• Immunochemistry holds the 2nd position in India IVD market being followed by Hematology.
• Microbiology is the fastest growing segment of the Indian IVD market.
• The Indian urinalysis (instruments and reagents) market was in the range of US$ 20 - 25 Million in 2018.
• Molecular diagnostics and Coagulation segments are competing closely with each other to grab maximum share of the pie.
India IVD Market Company Analysis
• Roche captures maximum share of the India IVD market.
• Siemens and Transasia held the 2nd and 3rd position in Indian IVD market.
• TransAsia has a strong presence in small and medium-sized independent diagnostics centers across India.
• Abbott Laboratories, Sysmex Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and Biomerieux are other top four players in the India IVD market.
• Global IVD companies are expanding their operational footprint in India which presents a growing market for their products.
iGATE RESEARCH report titled “India IVD (Instruments & Reagents) Market, Share, Registration, Regulations & Classification of IVD and Key Players Analysis - Forecast to 2025” provides a comprehensive analysis of the India In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market.
This 100 Page report with 62 Figures and 4 Tables has been analyzed from 7 View Points:
1) India IVD Market and Forecast (2012 - 2025) 2) India IVD Market Share and Forecast (2012 - 2025) 3) India IVD Market & Forecast – By Segment (2012 - 2025) 4) India IVD Market & Forecast – Key Players Sales Analysis (2015 - 2025) 5) Registration for In Vitro Diagnostic in India 6) Regulatory and Classification of IVD in India 7) India IVD Market - Growth Drivers & Challenges
India IVD (Instruments & Reagents) Market – By Application Segments
Click here to view the complete report:
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