Database Workbench 5.6.10 released
November 18, 2019 -- Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool - Database Workbench 5.6.10
This new release brings you the following bugfixes:
Bug #1713 in ADO/ODBC Explorer: Object delimiter error in MS Access database with .accdb extension Bug #1719 in Data Import & Export: Export to XML shouldn't replace _ and - in column names when converting to attributes Bug #1720 in General: Possible date-format error with non-English locale when filtering on date columns in Table/View Editor Bug #1721 in General: 'Node ChildCount cannot be MaxInt' on specific series of actions after server connection failure Bug #1717 in InterBase Module: Page buffer edit on Database Property dialog has invalid 'max value' restriction Bug #1722 in Sybase SQL Anywhere Module: Using filter/click-on-header-to-sort in Table/View Editor data-tab fails
Version 5.6 brought you new features, including a command line Data Pump tool and the 'favorite databases' feature.
Here is the full list of changes for 5.6.x versions: http://customer.upscene.com/script/mantisgateway.exe/fixed?fixedin=5.6.x&projectid=12
For more information, see what's new in Database Workbench 5 at http://www.upscene.com/database_workbench/whatsnew
Database Workbench supports MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird, Oracle, MS SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, NexusDB, PostgreSQL and InterBase. There are several editions licensed based on selectable modules.
It includes tools for database design, database maintenance, testing, data transfer, data import & export, database migration, database compare and numerous other tools.
Database Workbench 5 comes in multiple editions with different pricing models, there's always a version that suits you!
About Database Workbench
Database Workbench is a database developer tool, over 18 years in the making and is being used by thousands of developers across the globe who have come to rely on it every day. From database design, implementation, to testing and debugging, it will aid you in your daily database work. Find more at https://www.upscene.com/database_workbench/
About Upscene Productions
Based in The Netherlands, Europe, this small but dedicated company has been providing database developers with useful tools for over 18 years. Slowly expanding the product portfolio and gaining recognition amongst InterBase and Firebird database developers, they now offer tools for a whole range of database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
Контактное лицо: Martijn Tonies
Компания: Upscene Productions
Добавлен: 01:13, 18.12.2019
Количество просмотров: 349
Страна: США
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