YetiShare 4.5.5 - PHP7.4 Support, Security Improvements And More!
16th January 2020: MFScripts.com is proud to announce the launch of version 4.5.5 of the YetiShare file hosting script. This new edition supports PHP7.4 and fixes the SQLi vulnerability within admin area datatable scripts. The PayPal subscriptions setup issue is solved as well. Other security improvements and fixes include the removal of eregi dependency in stats helper (PHP 7.4 fix) and the removal of get_magic_quotes_gpc() function call in master script.
The following files have been updated:
/core/includes/master.inc.php /core/includes/stats.class.php /admin/ajax/payment_manage.ajax.php /admin/ajax/payment_subscription_manage.ajax.php /admin/ajax/server_manage.ajax.php /plugins/paypal/site/_pay.php
What can you do with the YetiShare file hosting script?
Programming a file sharing website from the ground up can be a laborious and costly task. Fortunately, with the YetiShare file hosting script, you have a ready-made file hosting and sharing website with full support for all devices with an internet browser. The included Flow theme is responsive, meaning that it scales to mobile, tablet, and desktop devices to provide an optimal user experience. Even the admin area is responsive, so you can easily manage your file hosting website from the small screen as well.
Thanks to the latest HTML 5.0 technology, you and your users can upload large files and multiple files at the same time. You don't need to worry about the limitations of outdated technology like Flash.
Other features provided by YetiShare include revenue generation functions. You can create different membership tiers and make money selling premium upgrades. There are no limits to customization either, since the complete source code is provided in PHP. It's also scalable and secure, and regularly updated to provide ongoing support and fixes. YetiShare now supports more than 50 third-party payment gateways too, making it suitable for use in a wide range of environments in virtual any country in the world.
Download the latest version of the YetiShare file hosting script today at https://yetishare.com .
Контактное лицо: MFScripts Limited
Компания: MFScripts
Добавлен: 15:58, 31.01.2020
Количество просмотров: 323
Страна: США
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