Recover data from NTFS drives and more
May 25, 2020: LSoft Technologies is happy to announce the release of a new update to its popular data recovery suite for NTFS drives. The NTFS Recovery Toolkit has been updated to version 13, and it includes many important new improvements along with a slew of minor bug fixes. This version also adds support for Apple's new ApFS file system, which is ideal if you're a Mac user or you use both NTFS and Mac-formatted drives. This version also has several new support file signatures to help users search for lost documents created in OpenOffice, the latest versions of Microsoft Office, and even database files created in Ancestral Quest. Version 13 also ships with new and improved versions of the Active@ File Recovery and Active@ Partition Recovery tools. Other improvements include better support for Microsoft's ReFS file system, and an overhauled recovery engine with many minor bug fixes and improvements.
Easy tools for fixing storage partitions and recovering files
Active@ NTFS Recovery Toolkit is designed to exploit the chance you have to recover deleted files or partitions before the original data ends up being permanently overwritten. It can also analyze problems with NTFS and other partitions and recover data in manual or automatic modes. It supports virtually every writable digital storage device you're ever likely to come across, and it works with all major file systems.
The manual mode, which is available in the freeware edition lets you explore the structure of the disk and resolve issues with the freeware disk editor utility. It also includes the freeware partition manager, which lets you manage your storage devices and organize them more effectively.
The automatic mode is where the real power lies. Available in paid versions, this lets you avoid relying on complicated, low-level analyses and recover specific file types and data from a formatted drive. Give it a test drive today at https://www.ntfs.com/recovery-toolkit.htm .
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 19:33, 10.09.2020
Количество просмотров: 274
Страна: США
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