Active@ KillDisk Industrial version 5.0 released
October 20, 2020: LSoft Technologies, an industry leader in disk utilities, is proud to announce the launch of Active@ KillDisk Industrial version 5.0. This powerful software- and hardware-based data sanitization tool includes many new performance improvements and bug fixes. This update now lets users resume disk erasure operations which have been interrupted due to errors or drive malfunctions. It delivers digitally signed PDF certificates with optional encryption to provide proof of your secure data deletion efforts. Administrators can also enjoy greater control thanks to a new web-based service that allows them to remotely monitor and control operations and review the event journals. The detection and handling of faulty drives has also been improved.
Why should you use Active@ KillDisk Industrial?
Active@ KillDisk Industrial is designed for large enterprises, data centers and other environments which handle dozens or even hundreds of hard drives on a yearly basis. It allows them to quickly and efficiently wipe between five and 100 drives in parallel. There are two hard-ware based options and an entirely software-based one for maximum flexibility and scalability, but they all set out to achieve the same goal - to securely delete data so that it may never be recovered. This is especially important if you are planning to retire old digital storage assets or you want to donate or sell them to recuperate some of your investment.
Secure data erasure should be central to every company's data security. It is also a legal requirement for many industries in many jurisdictions. For example, data subject to GDPR or CCPA regulations must be deleted securely at the request of a subject. Furthermore, it is generally considered good practice to delete data you no longer need to keep, since it reduces your potential data breach surface. Active@ KillDisk Industrial securely wipes all data over multiple passes by overwriting the original data with zeros. It meets more than 20 international standards, including that adopted by the US DoD. Try it out at https://www.killdisk-industrial.com/software/index.html.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 00:07, 23.11.2020
Количество просмотров: 478
Страна: США
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