ACEX Group helps UN peacekeeping mission in the Middle East
UN peacekeeping operations aimed at maintaining the security in the flashpoints continues in the Middle East. Currently 15 peacekeeping operations and one special political mission are launched in Afghanistan.
The number of "blue helmets" involved in the Arab- Israeli conflict in Lebanon amounts to 10 640 people from 37 countries. Interim Force is formed of soldiers and military officers from around the world, of various nationalities, races and confessions.
In 2007, Finland also sent to Lebanon 250 soldiers. They were involved in the mine clearance and assistance in establishing military bases for UN forces monitoring that the parties observe a cease-fire. The military from Finland was also in the midst of security and stability operations in Lebanon . Finally, after having fulfilled their mission, the soldiers were sent home to their families.
Delivery of their uniforms, personal effects and other equipment necessary for soldiers’ mission procurement, was arranged by the specialists of ACEX Group.
"This transportation was truly alive, humane for us. We transported not just things and ammunition, we helped the soldiers to return home to their families and children safe and sound . And it was very important for us to do everything conscientiously and at a high quality level. Indeed these soldiers are the heroes of our country, for us it is a great honour to carry such cargoes” - shared his opinion Nikita Kovalevsky, the head of the international freight forwarding company ACEX Finland.
Report on the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon : The UN Interim Force (UNIFIL) in Lebanon has been deployed in the Lebanon area since 1978 to put the lid on the war between Israel and "Hezbollah" group. Under the auspices of the mission a number of projects aimed at developing the infrastructure, constructing agricultural rainwater basins, equipping schools with computer labs and creating jobs, are realized. A total of 293 peacekeepers, members of UNIFIL, were killed in Lebanon during the operation of inter-regional conflict prevention.
Up to date the hostilities are not still ceased. The UN Security Council decided to extend the UNIFIL mandate in Lebanon until the 31st August, 2014. This was reported by the press service of the organization.
Контактное лицо: Press Center ACEX Group
Компания: ACEX Group
Добавлен: 01:27, 29.01.2014
Количество просмотров: 2351
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