FireDaemon Technologies Releases FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer
FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer 1.3.0 allows users to manage specialised interactive Windows service applications running on Windows Session 0.
Download a 30-day trial copy from http://www.firedaemon.com/product/firedaemon-session-0-viewer
Cambridge, UK - May 8, 2017 - Companies looking to manage interactive Windows services across their enterprise will benefit from FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer. Session 0 Viewer allows you to switch to and manage interactive services running on Session 0.
Developed by FireDaemon Technologies Limited, FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer for Windows 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1 2012 R2, 10 and 2016 is designed to simplify interactive Windows service management. The program allows you to switch easily via a System Tray applet to Session 0 to allow you to interact with interactive service applications as well as provides an application task bar allowing you to restore minimised or iconised applications.
The FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer:
- enables Interactive Services on Session 0 - starts the Interactive Services Detection Service and a System Tray Notification Area applet - provides the ability for a user to 'steal' Session 0 control from another user - provides the ability for a user to 'kick' a user off an orphaned Session 0 session - redraws the Session 0 desktop to avoid artifacting - allows you to switch to Session 0 with no auto-logoff - starts a custom minimisable Session 0 Task Bar that allows you to find and bring to front applications running on Session 0 - avoids the default nagging desktop popup 'warning' you that applications are running on Session 0 - facilitates Session 0 desktop switching via regular control products such as RDC, TeamViewer, VNC and others.
32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft Windows Operating System 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1, 2012 R2, 10, 2016 2.0Ghz CPU or better 1GB RAM 20MB of hard drive space
FireDaemon Session 0 Viewer is priced at $US15 per OS instance (physical or virtual)
Volume and pay-as-you-go pricing also available.
Download a 30-day trial copy from http://www.firedaemon.com/product/firedaemon-session-0-viewer
FireDaemon Technologies Limited Press Office contacts:
James Bourne Media Liaison Officer e: press@firedaemon.com w: http://www.firedaemon.com p: +44 1223 655 441 f: +44 1223 420 844
Контактное лицо: FireDaemon Technologies Limited
Компания: FireDaemon Technologies Limited
Добавлен: 10:36, 26.05.2017
Количество просмотров: 551
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