LSoft Launches Version 11 of Active@ UNERASER
LSoft Technologies proudly announces the latest release of its industry-leading data recovery software, Active@ UNERASER. Version 11 sports many welcome improvements, including support for new file signatures, improved support for the XFS and Ext4 file systems and added support for Windows Storage Spaces. Also added to the new release for the first time is native support for file system scanning and data recovery from drives formatted in JFS and Microsoft's new-generation ReFS. Performance and stability has also been improved to make scanning and recovery quicker and easier than ever before.
How Does Data Recovery Software Work?
What many people don't realize is that there's a window of opportunity between emptying the Recycle Bin or formatting a storage device and the data being permanently lost. Active@ UNERASER exploits this opportunity by scanning the drive for recoverable files, searching for different file signatures to find things like photos, documents, audio and video files and many other file types. The software provides the best chances possible of getting your data back intact before another data operation permanently overwrites the deleted data. Many people have reported successful recovery months or even years after the data was deleted.
Active@ UNERASER further improves your chances of successful recovery by avoiding writing any data to the disk and potentially destroying the lost data. Active@ Boot Disk and Active@ Live CD are both bundled with the software, allowing you to recover data from the system disk that you'd normally boot up your computer from. Because the software works in its own self-contained boot environment, it doesn't need to be installed, thus avoiding any unnecessary write operations to the drive. Active@ UNERASER works with all writable storage devices, such as hard disks, solid state drives and external memory cards and flash drives.
To recover your data today, pay a visit to http://www.uneraser.com.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 07:59, 30.08.2017
Количество просмотров: 920
Страна: США
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