ACEX in social networks circulation
Worldwide net has become an inseparable part of life. The official statistics of the «Public opinion» fund confirms that 70,4 million people use internet daily in Russia. It makes up 60% of the country’s population. 98% of people who are from 16 to 29 years old are among them. Moreover 20% of the younger generations become mobile only, i.e. they use only their mobiles to fulfill all their communicative needs. The era of digits is here. SMM or Social Media Marketing has entered our life. Analytical targeting, metrics, efficiency indicators of various resources for customer attraction are being implemented today in any modern company. 78,5% of Russian companies have corporate accounts in social networks. 41,5% companies have SMM manager, 34,4% corporate accounts are managed by general managers and only 28,7% of companies don’t have any person who works with social networks. We decided to conduct a survey to find out what social networks have more advantages and what these advantages are.
INSTAGRAM – little text, much visualization
700 million active users are on Instagram monthly and 400 million daily. And about 8 million of them are corporate accounts. It is not difficult to switch your personal account into business and the service will provide you with the success stories. Instagram suits for the spheres where products speak for themselves. Furniture stores, restaurants, cafes and other related areas. Instagram targets B2C segment. Anna Chernikova, expert at Airfreight Department at ACEX Moscow believes that social networks play a great role in our lives today, «You can find anything there from hairstylist, fitness coach, fur coat to ideas for vacation. Social networks give you the feeling of presence and make the world smaller. In the past we used to wait for reviews, press releases and pictures from journalists after significant events like reception of movies awards or football matches and it could take several days to wait. Today we can observe everything online at firsthand».
LINKEDIN – a place where professionals meet
It is a social network for developing business contacts that represents 150 spheres from 200 countries. This network is aimed at maintaining and development of the specific level of communication with customers. Dmitry Nikulin, Airfreight Department director at Air Charter Service highlights the efficiency of this instrument to lure customers. “We have received a number of requests for transportation from LinkedIn corporate account,” Dmitry says. Evgeniy Rastopchin, senior expert for business development at ACEX Moscow thinks that social networks are good promotion instruments. “I use LinkedIn in my work; I read news in Twitter, and sometimes post pictures in Instagram. Almost any social network is a good instrument for communication and business development, and the further it gets the bigger role they play for the companies’ aims to become more successful,” Evgeniy comments. This instrument in our country is not so effective since in 2016 the network was officially closed on the territory of Russia. However, it is still very popular, especially for international companies that have offices all around the world.
FACEBOOK seizes half of the planet
Facebook continues to remain one of the broadest networks for business since it has the widest audience. By June 2017 Facebook is used by more than 2 billion people every month. Facebook Business gives examples of successful promotion of companies of automobile, gaming, pharmaceutical, sport, financial, educational, hospitality, telecom and other brands. Dana Arshina, PR manager at ACEX Kazan says. “Logistics is B2B segment and social network in this case is not a sales channel but a good promotion instrument that can increase the brand awareness. The statistics show that the most interesting posts are about the companies’ experience related to their business activities. At the same time social networks allow you to monitor other players of the logistic market and follow the trends. Moreover, activities in social networks promote your web site in the search engines”.
VKONTAKTE is for people
VKontakte is the Russian analogue for Facebook. The official statistics shows that Facebook is more business oriented in Russia, while Vkontakte is for personal usage. This network is chosen by online stores, service centers, tour companies, medical centers, modelling business and other companies that render consultation and educational services. You can find various driving schools, insurance companies, banks, fitness centers and other small and middle sized businesses there.
TELEGRAM – create your channel
Telegram becomes more and more popular. First of all, it is considered safer that other existing messengers and it gives you an opportunity to create a channel where you can post your own content.
YOUTUBE – we see everything
YouTube gained trust among audiences that have a need for video content. Today 70% of YouTube traffic is accounted for mobile devices. The average time of watching is 40 minutes. Any business can create its channel if it has something to speak about and what is more important to show its audience. Everyone who aims at business development shouldn’t ignore interaction with social networks and ACEX is one of them. Stay updated and follow us in Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter!
Details at: https://acexgroup.net/en/CASE-STUDY/circulation-of-social-networks/
30, Kommunalny proezd, Khimki, 141400, Russia
Контактное лицо: ACEX Press center
Компания: ACEX
Добавлен: 03:38, 06.04.2018
Количество просмотров: 837
Страна: Россия
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