ACEX met Exporters from Vietnam in Novosibirsk
The end of May in Novosibirsk was rich in exhibitions and conferences. The exhibition "Vietnam-Expo-Siberia" opened its doors. It is a communication space where representatives of manufacturers of Vietnamese goods and services, as well as export-oriented enterprises of Russia, presented their products and technological achievements with the aim of developing trade relations between the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The first event of the Federal Logistic Forum took place there, and described best practices and analytics, case studies, innovations and experience in applying logistics, transportation, warehousing, supply and distribution technologies to trading, manufacturing and logistics companies on May 31. ACEX representative participated in Novosibirsk in both events. "The Federal Logistic Forum was organized at a high level. The focus was on warehouse logistics, the event was attended by both foreign trade participants and forwarders ", - says Eugene Rastopchin, Head of Projects of ACEX Development Department. There was a conference attended by exporters, a delegation from Vietnam, and representatives of the Russian Export Center at the exhibition Vietnam-Expo-Siberia "The event was interesting in all senses: the actual information, useful contacts and signed contract with a client," - says Eugene Rostopchin. Novosibirsk events became a platform for meeting market participants and allowed to prepare to new business contracts on logistics, the supply of systems and equipment. Reference. Novosibirsk is the largest transport hub in the Eastern part of Russia: The Trans-Siberian Railway, railways and highways pass through it. The management of the West Siberian Railway is located in Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk connects Siberia, the Far East, and Central Asia with the European regions of Russia. Novosibirsk is one of the leading Russian cities in economic development. The advantages are attributed to its attractiveness as a macro-regional center of Siberia and a post-industrial type of development. By volume of the economy, Novosibirsk is one of the world's largest economic centers: the research organization Mc Kinsey Global Institute in 2010 included it in the list of 600 largest cities in the world, producing 60% of global GDP. According to the company's research, the gross product of Novosibirsk amounted to $ 15 billion. A distinctive feature of the city's economy is its persification: the lack of monopolies, the active development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the presence of many branches of the economy. At the current stage of development in addition to industry, agriculture, service sector, transport, logistics, scientific developments and technologies, and the IT industry are actively developing in Novosibirsk.
Details at: https://acexgroup.net/en/Our-events/acex-met-exporters-from-vietnam-in-novosibirsk/
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Компания: ACEX
Добавлен: 19:17, 29.06.2018
Количество просмотров: 506
Страна: Россия
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