United States IVD Market (By Application Segments, Products, Region, End Users) Size, Share, Major Deals & Company Analysis - Forecast to 2025
United States In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) market is expected to reach US$ 33.7 Billion by 2025. United States represents the largest IVD market across the world. With an aging population, technological advances and advent of point of care diagnostics, United States IVD market is slated to show substantial growth in the future. The increase in the US in vitro diagnostics market is majorly driven by high prevalence of chronic diseases, such as heart diseases, cancer, asthma, and diabetes. It is estimated that these diseases are responsible for the majority of deaths in the United States, killing more than 1.7 million US citizens annually. All of these conditions can be diagnosed and monitored using IVD products. Thus, IVDs have proved to be beneficial in managing these chronic conditions. However, some of the factors limiting the growth of the market are a lack of proper reimbursement policies and lack of skilled lab technicians. United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - Application Segments Analysis
• On the basis of segment, the POC-OTC diabetes diagnostics segment accounted for highest share of the United States in-vitro diagnostics market, followed by the POC - Professional segment.
• Immunoassays have become one of the primary and indispensable tools in the diagnosis and monitoring of all diseases and medical conditions.
• The non-infectious immunoassays contribute significantly to the United States IVD market. • It is anticipated that the molecular microbiology segment will account for nearly 10% share of the United States IVD market by 2025.
• The Clinical chemistry segment contributed around 8% to the United States IVD market in 2018.
• Histology and Hematology segments are competing closely with each other to grab maximum share of the pie.
• Urinalysis captures least share of the United States in vitro diagnostics market.
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - Products Analysis
• Instruments is the leading product segment of the United States In-Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) market, followed by the reagents segment.
• The software segment holds close to 15% share of the United States IVD market in 2018, due to growing preference for reliable and efficient diagnostic software.
• Services segment captured least share of the United States in vitro diagnostics market, but it is likely to show impressive growth throughout the forecast period.
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - Regional Analysis
• The largest share of the US in vitro diagnostics market is currently in the South of the country with the West being second.
• Midwest region accounts for nearly 22% share of the total US IVD market in 2018, as an increasing number of accredited laboratories opening in that area.
• The North East region accounted for least share of the total US IVD market.
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - End Users Analysis
• Hospitals captures highest share of the United States IVD market, owing to the large volume of diagnostic tests carried out in hospitals.
• An increasing number of independent accredited laboratories are opening all over the country, thus driving the market for laboratories segment.
• The other end users (Self Testing, Retail Clinics, Physician Office Labs, Others) segment contributed nearly a quarter to the United States IVD market.
iGATE RESEARCH report titled “United States IVD Market (By Application Segments, Products, Region, End Users) Size, Share, Major Deals & Company Analysis - Forecast to 2025” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast-evolving, high-growth United States IVD Market.
This 201 Page report with 73 Figures and 8 Tables has been analyzed from 9 View Points:
1) United States IVD Market and Forecast (2013 - 2025) 2) United States IVD Market Share and Forecast (2013 - 2025) 3) United States IVD Market & Forecast - By Application Segments (2013 - 2025) 4) United States IVD Market & Forecast - By Products (2013 - 2025) 5) United States IVD Market & Forecast - By Region (2013 - 2025) 6) United States IVD Market & Forecast - By End Users (2013 - 2025) 7) United States IVD Market & Forecast - Company Profiles (2013 - 2025) 8) United States IVD Market - Major Deals 9) United States IVD Industry Drivers & Challenges
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - By Application Segments
1. Clinical Chemistry 2. Microbiology -ID/AST 3. Microbiology - Molecular 4. POC - Professional 5. POC - OTC Diabetes 6. POC - Others 7. Immunoassay - Infectious 8. Immunoassay - Others 9. Urinalysis 10. Molecular - Non-Infectious 11. Coagulation 12. Histology 13. Hematology 14. Blood Testing and Typing 15. Flow Cytometry
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - By Products
• Instruments • Reagents • Software • Services
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - By Region
• South • West • Midwest • North East
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - By End Users
• Hospitals • Laboratories • Others
United States In-Vitro Diagnostics Market - Company Profiles
1. Roche Diagnostic 2. Abbott Laboratories 3. Siemens Healthineers 4. Danaher Corporation 5. Thermo Fisher Scientific 6. Sysmex Corporation 7. Biomerieux 8. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc 9. Becton Dickinson and Company
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Компания: iGATE Research
Добавлен: 20:04, 14.10.2019
Количество просмотров: 352
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