Global Industrial Robotics Market and Volume Analysis by Application (Automotive Industry, Electrical/Electronics, Metal, Chemical, Rubber and Plastics, Food, Others, Unspecified), Geographical Distribution and Key Players Analysis - Forecast to 2025
iGATE Research has released a report on "Global Industrial Robotics Market and Volume Analysis by Application (Automotive Industry, Electrical/Electronics, Metal, Chemical, Rubber and Plastics, Food, Others, Unspecified), Geographical Distribution and Key Players Analysis - Forecast to 2025"
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The global industrial robotics market is likely to surpass US$ 24 Billion mark by 2025. The demand for industrial robotics is anticipated to grow exponentially during the forecasting period driven by advantages such as cost reduction, improved quality, increased production, and improved workplace health and safety. The adoption of automation to ensure quality production and meet market demand, and the growing demand from small- and medium-scale enterprises in developing countries is fueling the growth of industrial robotics market globally.
Industrial Robotics Market - Segment Analysis
On the basis of segment, the automotive industry accounted for highest share of the industrial robotics market. Around 32% of all industrial robot installations take place in the automotive industry. The market for industrial robotics in the electrical and electronics industry is probably the one most affected by the China-US trade crisis as Asian countries (e.g. China, Japan, Republic of Korea) are leaders in manufacturing electronic products and components. Metal industry has been seeing an accelerated growth of industrial robotics adoption in recent years. Both unit shipment and the sales revenue are expected to enjoy handsome growth over the coming period of 2020-2025. Chemical, rubber and plastics industry is the fourth largest market for industrial robotics market, while food industry accounted for least share of the global industrial robotics market.
Industrial Robotics Market - Regional Analysis
In terms of geographical regions, Asia/Australia is the world's strongest growth market for industrial robots. This region accounted for over 67% share of the industrial robotics market in 2019. The main drivers for this growth are the demand for industrial robots from small- and medium-scale enterprises in China, Japan, South Korea, and India. Since 2013 China has been the biggest robot market in the world with a continued dynamic growth. The five major markets including China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United States and Germany accounts for around 75% of the total robotics sales volume in 2019. Europe is the second leading region for industrial robotics market, followed by the Americas.
This is the 4th edition report on Industrial Robotics by iGATE RESEARCH. The report titled “Global Industrial Robotics Market and Volume Analysis by Application (Automotive Industry, Electrical/Electronics, Metal, Chemical, Rubber and Plastics, Food, Others, Unspecified), Geographical Distribution and Key Players Analysis - Forecast to 2025” provides a comprehensive assessment of the fast-evolving, high-growth Industrial Robotics Market.
This 109 Page report with 43 Figures and 6 Tables has been analyzed from 8 viewpoints:
1. Global Industrial Robotics Market and Forecast (2009 - 2025) 2. Global Industrial Robotics Market Share and Forecast (2009 - 2025) 3. Global Industrial Robotics Volume and Forecast (2009 - 2025) 4. Global Industrial Robotics Market and Forecast - By Segment (2009 - 2025) 5. Global Industrial Robotics Volume and Forecast - By Segment (2009 - 2025) 6. Industrial Robotics Volume and Forecast - Region and Country Wise Distribution (2010 - 2025) 7. Key Player - Sales and SWOT Analysis (2010 - 2025) 8. Global Industrial Robotics Market - Growth Drivers and Challenges
Global Industrial Robotics Market and Volume Forecast - By Segment
1. Automotive Industry 2. Electrical/Electronics Industry 3. Metal Industry 4. Chemical, Rubber and Plastics Industry 5. Food Industry 6. Others Industry 7. Unspecified Industry
Industrial Robotics Volume and Forecast - Region and Country Wise Distribution
1. Americas
• United States • Canada • Brazil • Mexico • Rest of South America
2. Asia/Australia
• China • India • Japan • Republic of Korea • Taiwan • Thailand • Vietnam • Other Asia/Australia
3. Europe
• Central/Eastern Europe • France • Germany • Italy • Spain • United Kingdom • Other Europe
4. Africa
5. Rest of the World (ROW)
Global Robotics Market - Key Players Sales and SWOT Analysis
1. KUKA AG 2. Adept Technology (Acquired by OMRON) 3. iRobot Corporation 4. Intuitive Surgical 5. Nachi-Fujikoshi 6. Yaskawa Electric Corporation
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Контактное лицо: Ravi Sinha
Компания: iGATE Research
Добавлен: 19:44, 12.02.2020
Количество просмотров: 391
Страна: Россия
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