LSoft Technologies launches Active@ LiveCD version 9
December 4, 2020: LSoft Technologies announces the release of version 9 of its flagship product, Active@ LiveCD. This new edition includes the latest versions of all the core applications including KillDisk 13, File Recovery 21, Partition Recovery 21, and Password Changer 11. The Boot Disk Creator, which lets users create a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD, has seen a slew of minor tweaks and bug fixes as well. Furthermore, this release is accompanied by an updated operating environment based on openSUSE 15.2, Linux 5.3, and KDE 5.18.
Recover deleted data
Recovering deleted data from emptied recycle bins or formatted partitions has never been easier. Active@ LiveCD includes Active@ File Recovery 21 to help users recover deleted data before it gets overwritten. Since the app works in its own self-contained operating environment, you can also recover data from the system hard drive without risking making any further changes to the drive and possibly overwriting the data for good. With the included Active@ Partition Recovery 21, you can also recover entire partitions.
Securely erase data
Given how easy it can be to recover deleted data from formatted drives, it could be highly problematic if you are thinking about selling or donating your computer. Cybercriminals routinely target retired computers and other data-bearing assets with a view to recovering deleted confidential data. To prevent that from happening, Active@ KillDisk overwrites the entire disk with zeros several times over to permanently destroy the original data. It also meets the demands of globally recognized data sanitization standards.
Recover local passwords
This release also includes Active@ Password Changer 11, which you can use to regain access to local Windows administrator accounts. If you have lost the password, you can reset it with this tool, and even change local user account privileges. It displays full account information for local users, and detects and displays Microsoft security databases automatically.
Get started with Active@ LiveCD 9 at https://www.livecd.com/index.html.
Контактное лицо: LSoft Technologies
Компания: LSoft Technologies Inc.
Добавлен: 16:38, 12.01.2022
Количество просмотров: 269
Страна: США
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