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The 2d ACEX Conference Gathered Logistics Companies from All Over the World in Saint Petersburg

The conference business program consisted of two parts: plenary session and business negotiations between the leaders of logistics from different countries all over the world. The representatives from “Aeroflot”, “AirBridgeCargo”, “Air Charter Service”, “Global GSA Group” made their presentations.
The heads and top-managers from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, as well as from the Russian regions: Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan and other took part in the discussion. The conference was also attended by the heads of logistics companies from Azerbaijan and Ukraine.
Among international guests there were the following companies: ARAMEX (UAE), Quick Cargo Service (Germany), Hankyu Hanshin (Japan), Fans Trans (Hong Kong), ASE AIR SEA (Taiwan), MIG Express (USA), Sparber (Spain), World Cargo (Italy), Clasquin (France), Marmedsa (Spain, Portugal). They knew more about peculiarities of the Russian logistics procedures and got detailed information about the biggest international airports, terminals, airlines and logistics hubs in Russia and the CIS countries.
Among the speakers of plenary session were: Oleg Dunaev (the Chairman of the logistics committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia), Lev Bondarev (the Head of FF Cargo Services company, representative office of Global GSA Group), Andrey Danilov (the Head of Cargo and Mail Department for Aeroflot in Saint Petersburg), Vasily Borychev (the Senior import sales manager for the biggest Russian freight airline AirBridgeCargo), Dmitry Nikulin (the Head of airfreight charter for Air Charter Service, the winner of the Air Cargo Week Award).
The second part of the business program was devoted to face-to-face meetings between the participants and discussion of practical cooperation in business, financing and operational procedures. According to Miroslav Zolotarev, the Head of ACEX Alliance, face-to-face meetings help the participants to cooperate and solve vital business issues, as well as increase their cargo traffic and improve their services.
Kamran Aleskerov, AG Global Logistic, Azerbajan: We found again new alternative for us reliable worldwide agents. Spanish and German agents are mostly interested for us due to their service and rates are acceptable for us. We'd like to participate at next ACEX Alliance events.Keep everything the same which was orginized pirfect.
Eugene Apasov, Smart Logistic Solutions Agency, Saint Petersburg, Russia: ACEX is a very successful and efficient platform for cooperation between participants of international logistics business. It enables to define key vectors of cooperation development between Russian and foreign agents. At the same time the officials, attracted by the Alliance, have possibility to observe real cooperation of the large international and Russian companies, what will definitely have positive influence on the development of logistics standards at a state level. We were very pleased that in such uneasy time serious international business structures continue to take interest in the logistics industry of our country, which proves that the long-term development of the international logistics, as a global system, will not be able without Russia.
Ramon Gallen, Marmedsa-UGL, Spain, Portugal: Some requests from the companies we meet, already quoting some business. We are creating with the adequate agents platform to quote to our customers, we are giving security to our pricing colleagues/sales depts and they will sell Russia from now on.
Andery Smirnov, ACL, Samara, Russia: We returned from Saint Petersburg with the most favorable impressions about participation in the ACEX Alliance conference. I would like to express our appreciation for high level of the event organization! Meetings with the conference participants were of a great use to us. Now it requires some time to estimate prospective offers and outline a development path. We are planning to participate in the next ACEX Alliance events and accept an invitation for the event in April 2016.

Andrey Vasilenko, Freelines company, Moscow, Russia: Now we hope to get cargo from our Chinese partners and after the conference we have planned negotiation in China. In addition we are waiting for confirmation from Volga-Dnepr about joint organization of airfreight in Germany. The conference participants discussed serious questions about airfreight, state support, investments in regional business, infrastructure, and aircraft fleet. These are all tasks of state level, which promotes the alliance. We are planning to participate in the next events of ACEX Alliance.
Lev Bondarev, FF Cargo Services (Global GSA Group), Moscow, Russia: We think that the conference was organized on a higher level. And Saint Petersburg also favoured this. Some projects, which were discussed with ACEX participants, can be prospective for business development between Global GSA Group and ACEX. Business models in our industry are notably changing for all chain participants – airlines, GSA and freight forwarding companies. I welcome all ideas which can bring mutually beneficial results. New business contacts are always useful for broadening of outlook and can promote new ideas or projects in future.
Besides business program, the participants took part in the informal events of the conference: they went on a sightseeing tour to Peterhof on a high-speed boat, saw cascades of famous fountains. In addition the conference participants were invited for an evening dinner at a luxurious restaurant on a boat which floated along the Neva under the drawbridges of night Saint Petersburg.
The conference organizers invited the participants to take part in the next Alliance events: The 3d international conference of ACEX Alliance in April 2016.

Be sure to find the latest news at our website: http://www.acexgroup.net/en/news/The-2-ACEX-CONFERENCE/
ACEX Alliance Press Center
E-mail: acex@acex.net
Website: http://www.acexgroup.net

ACEX Alliance (Associated Cargo Experts)
It is the first Russian Worldwide Logistics Alliance which combines independent Russian and foreign forwarders. Its goal is to develop joint business in the field of logistics and customs clearance in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. The members of the Alliance are the strongest and experienced forwarding companies form different countries of the world. Additional information of the Alliance, ACEX Conference, event program and its location you can get by e-mail pr@acex.net or on the web-page of the ACEX Alliance www.acexgroup.net .

Контактное лицо: Elena Baranova
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 22:26, 12.09.2015 Количество просмотров: 1009
Страна: Россия

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