HoudahSpot 4.1 - Essential File Search Tool for Mac
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - March 8, 2016 – Houdah Software today announces HoudahSpot 4.1, a major update to the popular file search utility for OS X. It builds upon Spotlight and adds a powerful criteria editor, customizable results display, search templates, preview of text matches, and more. HoudahSpot is a must-have for “professional” Mac users: Those who work with thousands or hundred of thousands of files. Those who need to look up the exact document, mail message, photo, video, artwork etc. to work with. Those who regularly search for files that match a variety of criteria.
HoudahSpot focusses on file search. It searches the existing Spotlight index, but adds essential features such as easy building and saving of advanced searches. When Spotlight and Finder file searches produce seemingly endless search results, HoudahSpot will help you get to the files you are looking for.
HoudahSpot looks and works the way you expect a file search tool to work: Fill in search criteria. Specify the folders you want to search. Refine by adding and combining criteria. Add columns to better sort and explore search results. Preview files and text matches. Work with the files you have found.
HoudahSpot is highly customizable. Set up search criteria, search locations, exclusions, sort order, result display options, etc. and save these as default settings for new searches. Create templates for recurring searches. Stop spending time looking for files, pictures, and messages when you could be using them.
Feature Highlights:
* Find files by name, text, content kind, author, recipient, image dimensions, and more * Create precise searches that pinpoint the files that you are looking for * Combine criteria in groups to find files that match any, all or none of the criteria * Search several folders at once. Exclude others * Set HoudahSpot to open with a defined set of criteria, search locations and result columns * Set up templates for recurring searches
New in HoudahSpot 4.1:
* HoudahSpot searches can now be exported as Finder Smart Folders * Individual search criteria can now be disabled temporarily. This is particularly useful in combination with templates: have different criteria preconfigured, enable as needed * Text preview now has arrow buttons to navigate between highlighted matches * Grid view now shows full names and additional information on hover * Added French localization
System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite or 10.11 El Capitan with Spotlight enabled
Pricing and Availability:
HoudahSpot 4.1 is priced at $29 (USD) for a single-user license. A full-featured trial version is available. Licenses can be purchased from the Houdah Software store.
Press Kit:
HoudahSpot : https://www.houdah.com/houdahSpot/ Press Kit: https://www.houdah.com/houdahSpot/assets/HoudahSpot-Press-Kit.zip
Контактное лицо: Pierre Bernard
Компания: Houdah Software s.à r.l
Добавлен: 22:48, 29.03.2016
Количество просмотров: 799
Страна: США
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