Black Sea Shipping Services is Ready for High Season of Grains
Black Sea Shipping Services is ready for high season offering the whole range of services on registration and export of agricultural products. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the USA Russia will export 23 million tons of grains during this season what is slightly less than 25,2 million tons which will be supplied by America, whose share on the global market has decreased from approximately 30% in 2008 to 16%, - informs agency Bloomberg. Fall in oil prices favored that the Russian export became more competitive because of the prices decrease for grains and reductions of costs for their transportation. The export in the Black Sea region, which is the biggest supplier of wheat to the Middle East and the North Africa, is executed via port of Novorossiysk. Black Sea Shipping Services (BSSS), the member of ACEX Alliance in Novorossiysk, is specialized in export of agricultural products in the containers via port of Novorossiysk. Denis Bobrakov, the Commercial director of BSSS, tell about specificity of the grains export processing: “There are different kinds of agricultural products for export: bulked cargo or bagged. The products arrive at the port by the vehicles or by railway. Then we act according to the following scheme: container loading, fumigation processing, issue of certificates and export declaration, delivery of containers to the port and loading to the vessel. BSSS has own terminal near Krymsk which handles grains and legumes. The terminal is equipped and has accreditation for execution of official fumigation. The terminal is intended for bulked storage (by grain thrower) in 20 feet containers. We deliver containers to the port by own vehicles. Being the partner of sea lines and big exporter we have special rates for sea freight. This permits us to provide interesting rates for the biggest export segment of agricultural products.” In spite of the fact that export of grains is the priority area of activity BSSS develops import deliveries as well. “Share of import transportation is increasing year by year what enables us to discuss freight costs with the sea lines, as they are mostly interested to work with the companies which operte in both directions,” informed Denis Bobrakov. Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/partners/russia/1460/ ACEX Alliance Press Center pr@acex.net www.acexgroup.net
Контактное лицо: Елена Баранова
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 11:59, 30.07.2016
Количество просмотров: 784
Страна: Россия
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