ACEX Alliance Participated in the SKYTEAM Anniversary Forum for Aviation Industry Experts
The leading agents and forwarders of the Aeroflot airlines (the main event organizer) came to the Radisson Royal Hotel in order to congratulate the airline with this event. Among the forum participants were the following companies: FF Cargo Service, Pulkovo Cargo Terminal, Delta Airlines, etc. The members of the SkyTeam Cargo made presentations on the group operational results for 2015. Among the speakers were: Andrey Danilov, the Head of cargo and mail department, Aeroflot, and Ilya Maslennikov, the Head of Delta Cargo Shipping Services.
“The SkyTeam Cargo members have done great work to prepare a report on the advanced line of airfreight services,” comments Alexandra Chagina, the Network business development manager, “We learnt in details about aircraft fleet, flight geography, e-freight implementation status, as well as about “Cargo IQ”, a much talked-of IATA project, aimed at more efficient airfreight transportation and better quality of the whole industry.” The participants discussed concerns of the bonded warehouses operation and terminal cargo handling, official rates placement on the airline web-site, in order to guarantee transparency of services pricing and time optimization for inquiries processing, formation and signing block space agreements, as well as ways of discussion and fixing SOPs for SkyTeam Cargo members. The concern of the price increase in connection with implementation of the Yarovaya's legislation provoked a great interest among the forum participants. The representatives of Aeroflot assured the participants that the airline and cargo terminals have all necessary equipment in order to perform extra scanning and more thorough inspection of exported cargo. So the increase of rates is not expected in the nearest time. The forum participants expressed the desire that the joint meetings of the industry experts should be organized on a regular basis with the purpose to discuss the current issues on the airfreight market.
Alexandra Chagina on behalf of ACEX Alliance, which is, jointly with the Logistics committee of the CCI of Russia, a coordinator of the Airfreight TransLogistics Platform, invited the forum participants for the next ATLP meeting at the International aviation Forum in Abu Dhabi on September 25-28.
Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/news/forum-skyteam/ ACEX Alliance press center www.acexgroup.net pr@acex.net
Контактное лицо: Elena Baranova
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 11:59, 30.07.2016
Количество просмотров: 839
Страна: Россия
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