CARGO-EXPRESS (Irkutsk) Delivered Baikal Seals
Although Baikal seals are written down in the Red book IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as declining species, the indigenous minorities, which live in the territory of the Baikal, have right to catch them in limited quantities. In June, the seals, caught by native inhabitants, were sent to the dolphinarium of Primorye. The specialists of CARGO-EXPRESS (Irkutsk) organized two deliveries in the beginning and end of the month. “The delivery was executed according to the requirements and rules of the life animals transportation, we had all necessary veterinary certificates,” tells Vladimir Boyarchuk, the Head of CARGO-EXPRESS (Irkutsk), “The animals were placed into the wooden boxes, inside of which there were troughs; the animals were placed by one in each trough. The seals were not put to sleep, fed or dipped into the water as the animals can live without food for 7 days and without water – 4 days.” The first delivery was done by S7, the second – by the Ural Airlines. “The second batch of seals was sent in the unheated aircraft hold, the temperature during the way was negative,” shares his impression Vladimir Boyarchuk,“Thanks to subcutaneous fat, which can be up to 14 cm., seals can bear frost firmly.” All animals were delivered to the place of destination safe and sound. Soon they will gladden children and adults during performances in the dolphinarium of Primorye. Details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/CASE-STUDY/baikal-seals-/ ACEX Alliance Press Center pr@acex.net www.acexgroup.net
Контактное лицо: Elena Baranova
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 09:23, 22.08.2016
Количество просмотров: 671
Страна: Россия
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