Press Release :- New Delhi, India :- Image Sensor India is the channel partner with ON semiconductor, USA & actively supplying Image sensors to our valued OEM customer's.We holds large portfolio of CCD Image sensor's from ON Semiconductor, USA. The Image Sensors comes with below features:
FEATURES:- - Resolutions from 1 to 29 megapixels - “Plug and Play” sensors allow a single camera design to support the entire product family - Device ID pin lets camera identify the specific sensor plugged into camera board - Common pixel design provides outstanding imaging performance across product portfolio - Bayer Color Pattern, TRUESENSE Sparse Color Filter Pattern, and Monochrome configurations
1920 (H) x 1080 (V) Interline Transfer EMCCD IMAGE SENSOR
The KAE-02150 Image Sensor is a 1080p (1920 × 1080) CCD in a 2/3? optical format that provides exceptional imaging performance in extreme low light applications. Each of the sensor’s four outputs incorporate both a conventional horizontal CCD register and a high gain EMCCD register. An intra-scene switchable gain feature samples each charge packet on a pixel-by-pixel basis. This enables the camera system to determine whether the charge will be routed through the normal gain output or the EMCCD output based on a user selectable threshold. This feature enables imaging in extreme low light, even when bright objects are within a dark scene, allowing a single camera to capture quality images from sunlight to starlight.
Image Sensor India owned & maintained by BalaJi MicroTechnologies (BMT), India.
Please Visit Product page :- www.image-sensor.in/ccd-image-sensor.php Www.image-sensor.in/emccd-image-sensor.php Sales Contact:-
Office Tel:- +91-129-4006203, +91-129-6561300 Office Mobile:- +919643047670 Skype ID(For Product Inquiry): bmt.overseas Whatsapp(For Product Inquiry): +919643047670 Email (product inquiry):- sales.overseas@balaji-microtechnologies.com Sales.india@balaji-microtechnologies.com
Image Sensor, Full Frame Image Sensor, Linear Image Sensor, CCD Image Sensor, CMOS Image Sensor, EMCCD Image Sensor.
Контактное лицо: Image Sensor
Компания: Image Sensor India
Добавлен: 11:07, 28.03.2017
Количество просмотров: 516
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