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ACEX will Present a Joint Booth of the Russian Logistics at the Main European Exhibition in Munich

Messe Munich will become a center of worldwide logistics on May 9-12, 2017. Over 55000 participants from 124 countries, over 2000 exhibitors from all over the world will locate in 11 pavilions at the exhibition “Transport Logistic – 2017”.
The worldwide logistics alliance ACEX will become an operator of the joint booth №231 in the pavilion A4. Different logistics companies will present their services at one booth.
CARGO EXPRESS (Moscow, Russia) is specialized in airfreight transportations, has direct contracts and agreements with the biggest airlines. CARGO EXPRESS is a licensed customs broker and carrier. The company has a well-established line of consolidated cargo transportation from Europe to Russia. The company offers sea transportation of large vehicles from Europe via ports of the Baltic to Russia, the Central Asia and the Middle East.
AsstrA Associated Traffic AG (Russia, Switzerland) is a market leader in transportation and logistics, with 800 company employees working in Europe, CIS countries and China. AsstrA Heavy Lift as a subdivision of the International Holding AsstrA, specializes in project logistics, transportation of oversized and heavy cargo. AsstrA offers a full range of services in scheme “quality - price” which covers: air freight, railway freight, road freight, sea freight, intermodal freight and customized logistics solutions. Additionally, AsstrA offers cargo insurance, all necessary paperwork and customs formalities.
Group of companies MCS (Saint Petersburg, Russia) renders full complex of customs and logistics services, as well as legal and financial maintenance to the participants of foreign trade activity. The company has the license of customs broker and of authorized economic operator. MCS offers information system and mobile application for efficient order management which provides online information of cargo delivery status.
Agency of Customs Logistics (Russia, Moscow) was established in 2006. The activity of the company is outsourcing of import and export operations, as well as complex logistics solutions. ACL has a wide experience in deliveries of industrial equipment, components and materials for the automobile and machine-building enterprises. The company has office in the Volga Federal District (Togliatti, Samara region).
Optima Freight (Helsinki, Finland) is the Russian and Finish company which runs a business with Russia. The company offers warehousing services in the territory of the international airport Vantaa, cargo consolidation, sea freight and airfreight (import/export), customs processing of all documents (import/export), multimodal transportations to Russia, including DDP and cargo insurance.
PSG (Kazan, Russia) is a transport and forwarding company specializing in the international deliveries of cars and trucks, components and spare parts to them. The company has offices in the Republic of Tatarstan and a terminal for cargo processing in the sea port of Novorossiysk.
Group of companies SV (Russia, Moscow) is successful on the international transport logistics market since 2000 and offers the following scope of services: domestic and international transportation, rail, air and sea freight, FEA outsourcing/DDP deliveries, warehouse logistics and customs brokerage under license.
Transparency of business partners is the condition of successful cooperation. Partnership with the Russian companies, due to difficult procedures of cargo handling, is often considered risky for the foreign companies. Personal contacts with top managers of the Russian logistics booth will favour to find the most convenient conditions of cooperation and means of deliveries in the territory of Russia. Favorable geographic location of Russia (through which the main North-South and West-East transport corridors come) undoubtedly determines advisability of the Russian logistics infrastructure.
We invite all partners who are interested in business with the Russian Federation at the joint booth of the logistics companies on May 9-12, 2017 in Munich.
Details at
ACEX Alliance press center

Контактное лицо: ACEX Alliance Press Center
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 08:44, 25.04.2017 Количество просмотров: 635
Страна: Россия

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В профессии им равных нет, филиал "Северный" ООО "ЛокоТех-Сервис", 02:36, 29.11.2024, Россия91
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Всего в соревнованиях приняли участие порядка 30 спортсменов.

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