Ladies from the ACEX Alliance Organized Transportation Carefully and Beautifully
The project of large cargo transportation from New Zealand to Krasnodar was implemented beautifully in a feminine way. Logistics is a many-sided sphere where something beautiful can be created out of simple things. One of the Rostov office customers is a company that produces canvas and vehicle curtains. It seems that there is nothing special about it but very often simple things like vehicle curtains can become a brand identity of a company. The customer interested in transportation of the beautiful is based in Krasnodar but the company capable of manufacturing of large-format printing plotters could not be found closer than in New Zealand. They manufactured 4 large-format printing plotters 3,5 meters each while a standard size of the plotters don’t usually exceed 1,5 meters. “The plotters were shipped by Emirates,” Maria Moskvicheva, general director of TC Bureau Perevozok (ACEX Rostov-on-Don) tells. “CARGO-EXPRESS (ACEX Moscow) met the cargo in Domodedovo and helped to organize internal customs transit, after that the cargo was delivered to the customer in Krasnodar”. Maria Kulikova, an expert of airfreight department at ACEX Moscow-Domodedovo was coordinating the transportation after its arrival to Domodedovo. A note from Maria Kulikova: Internal customs transit is a popular service among the cargo owners. Taking into consideration an amount of cargo in the Moscow air hub internal customs transit helps to save up time and provide customs clearance at the destination point at the regional customs’ office. More details at http://www.acexgroup.net/en/CASE-STUDY/ladies-from-the-alliance-organized-transportation-/ ACEX Alliance Press-Center pr@acex.net
Контактное лицо: ACEX alliance Press Center
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 21:59, 19.09.2017
Количество просмотров: 614
Страна: Россия
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