ACEX Expands its Opportunities in Nigeria, USA and Iran
At the end of the year Zenith Carex (Nigeria) and Farasoobar Int’l Forwarder & Shipping Agency (Iran) became members of the Alliance. An agreement about entering ACEX was reached at The Freight Summit (TFS) in Kuala Lumpur. Zenith Carex has its headquarters in the US and Nigeria. The total number of all employees is 750. The company is an expert at air express, customs clearance and freight forwarding. Zenith Carex renders services of import and export, ground trucking (international and domestic). Corporate mail delivery is one of the main services rendered by the company as well. Another new ACEX member is Farasoobar Int’l Forwarder & Shipping Agency accompany from Iran. An acquaintance with the Iranian company started in Moscow during Eurasia Cargo Meet in 2016. Today the company registers freight in transit through Iran to CIS, Afghanistan and Iraq. The experts of the Iranian company does multimodal shipments and project freight forwarding via Iran abroad and in the country. The company’s staffs are certified for handling dangerous and perishable goods. ACEX continues to develop on the domestic and international markets. Foreign companies that enter the Alliance expand the competences of all its members that receive a fast access to the rates firsthand, create a broad geographical coverage of the freight forwarding and can easily participate in tender processes all around the globe. The profiles of the new Alliance members are available at our web-site. More details at https://acexgroup.net/en/news/alliance-expands-its-opportunities/ ACEX Alliance Press Center pr@acex.net https://acexgroup.net/en/
Контактное лицо: ACEX alliance Press Center
Компания: ACEX Alliance
Добавлен: 05:27, 24.01.2018
Количество просмотров: 808
Страна: Россия
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